Monitoring software Reviews

  • Hi,

    I am testing some software's for monitoring our sql servers. We narrowed down our list to Quest's spotlight, Idera's Diagnostic Manager and SQlSentry's Performance Advisor and Event Manager.

    1) From my observation Spotlight is good for real time monitoring, but its reporting capabilities are not that great. So we don't have it as our first preference.

    2) Both Idera and SQLSentry give good reporting capabilities. So our choice would be to go for one of the two

    However I am now observing that Idera is not doing real time monitoring as well as it should be doing. For example both Quest and SQLSentry pointed out deadlock issues and SQL Server server quick reboot. But Idera failed to show them.

    Therefore my question is "Does Idera do real time monitoring? Or does it rely only on snapshots. If it rely's only on snapshots it is not going to find events that happen between the snapshots". I spoke to tech support in Idera and they are still to reply me on that.

    Has anyone faced similar situation? Personally I have started liking SQLSentry. Anyone having comments on SQLSentry?



  • Real time monitoring & long term monitoring are different critters, as you're finding. We use Idera now. It can be tuned to capture more data than it's getting out of the box. I'm not sure you'll want it to collect all the data it collects in real time though. Spotlight is very good at real time, although I found that it hammered the server. But it doesn't collect data over time. You'd need to go to Quest Foglight for that. Idera has that historical data. It might not be real time, but it's great for long term monitoring of your systems.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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