SQL2K8 Cluster Installation Error

  • Hi All,

    I am installing SQL2K8 cluster I am getting error,Attached Error message

    OS Version : Windows Server 2003(SP2) 32 bit

    SQL Version : SQL Server 2008 32 bit

    CONTOSO\sqlgroup : is a local Admin group, stiill I am getting error

    Please help me out in this

  • they dont need to be administrator on the local nodes (you dont even want to) the group is just a regulare domain group which you need to have add permissions on with you re setup account

  • http://sqlfindings.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/cluster-security-policy-missing-domain-groups/

    If above link not helps Please keep posting.

  • I guess you to enter "CONTOSO" in textboxs

    Is it work let us know

  • I have seen these issues before along with the SKU invalid error (appears when you try to add a node!).

    Slipstream the service pack during install to overcome these issues with the RTM install image or alternatively create a SP merged drop for installation!

    If you're unsure how to slipstream the SP give me a shout and i'll provide you instructions 😉


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi All,

    Q : http://sqlfindings.wordpress.com/2009/09/30/cluster-security-policy-missing-domain-groups/

    A : It isot helping me

    : I have not entered the CONTOSO in text box manuall

    Hi Perry,

    I am not aware of Split Stream, Can you guide me

  • Yes, which service pack do you intend to install?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perry,

    I have not resolved this issue.

    Please let me know how to trouble shoot this error

  • to slipstream Service pack 1 do the following;

    ➡ Ensure you have SP2 installed for Windows 2003

    ➡ install .NET 3.5 framework (on the dvd image)

    ➡ install Windows Installer 4.5 (on the DVD image)

    ➡ install hotfix 937444 (filestream hotfix)

    ➡ Download the SP1 package to the C drive and execute the following

    C:\en_sql_server_2008_SP1_x64.exe /X:C:\SP1

    ➡ Once the SP has unpacked to the location specified launch the appropriate support file installer


    ➡ Once the support files have been installed open a command window and launch the SQL Server setup using

    Z:\setup /PCUSource=C:\SP1

    RED you are using a 32 bit system so substitute this for the name of the appropriate SP executable!

    BLUE again using 32 bit the path here will be different, you could always search for the file if you cannot find it!!

    MAGENTA substitute this for the drive letter of your DVD drive!

    Any problems post back. If you apply SP2 and not SP1 modify all paths and filenames accordingly!


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Thanks Perry,Its working

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