• Can anyone explain what these wait types are?



  • I wrote a blog last week about PREEMPTIVE_OS_LOOKUPACCOUNTSID..

    If you are seeing this as an high wait type along with slow perf, then you may wish to check it out... Also follow the link through to Steve Hindmarsh blog

    My Blog[/url]

  • I have problems with that kind of waits


    wait_type waiting_tasks_count wait_time_ms max_wait_time_ms signal_wait_time_ms

    PREEMPTIVE_OS_AUTHENTICATIONOPS 14647704 5791693 27530 0

    someone to give me a clue pleaaaaase????

  • Yes! I already had read it. And makes some sense; but even with all consoles closed I continue to see this wait increasing.... =(

  • Have you checked that the DNS/AD settings are correct.

    I also found an issue when the SQL server have an old DNS server as the primary.

  • Yes i have checked and everything looks fine... =(

    But then I can i assume that this kid of problems could be caused by the infraestructure or for the environment authentication (DNS, Active Directory, WINS, DHCP etc. etc.) ??????


  • Hi

    Looking at the wait type and what's involved it seems like there will ALWAYS be a wait whenever you invoke a SID lookup, even if that wait is only 1 millisecond or less. The key here is whether or not the wait type is having an impact. if you divide the Wait_time_ms by the Waiting_tasks_count you should see the average ms/wait and if the post you made earlier is accurate that means that the waits are averaging at less than 1 ms. I don't think you need to worry about this.

    If it is troubling you, you could setup a query that looks at the wait stats regularly (Daily, hourly or less or more frequently) and notifies you when the wait type goes over X ms (up to you to decide what is bad for your environment, I would say averages of 5ms or higher are probably bad). Remember to flush your stats regularly for accurate results though as they are cumulative.

    Hope this helps,


  • It might be related to some sort of OS memory leak triggered by some random event, rebooting the server often resolves and stablizes it (based on experience rather than insider knowledge). I know of a server where an instance restart will trigger ever increasing PREEMPTIVE_OS_AUTHENTICATIONOPS wait type times, a server reboot stablizes it. When it reaches between 12-15% the impact becomes noticeable.

  • PREEMPTIVE_OS_AUTHENTICATIONOPS could indicate problems talking to a domain controller - not personally experienced this though.

    [font="Times New Roman"]There's no kill switch on awesome![/font]

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