alter authorization

  • I'm trying to run this sql statement.


    But it just keep going it doesn't finish executing.

    The SQL service are running.

    I'm trying to assign a owner to my database so I can build a DB Diagram.

    I've also tried to set it DB properties inside File pages but its saids: "Set owner failed to database MyDatabase"

  • no answer 🙁

  • I didnt understand exactly what you are looking for.Can you breifley expalin ? what is the result you are getting? Is something like an error or what?

  • When I try to change the owner using the sql statement alter authorization y doesn't give any result, neither positive or negative. I just keep executing.

    The database service is running. I don't know If i need to stop the service, so I can change the Database owner. I has take arroung ~10min or more, it just doesn't finish.

  • - Is there any other connection connected to your database ?

    - is there any blocking going on for that database ?


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