How to run commands on a changing set of databases

  • I would like to run a series of SQL commands against each database on a server with a dynamic set of databases. I constructed a select that gives me a list of the required commands in the correct order.

    What is the best way to execute the list of SQL commands?

    Two options I was playing with are to put the select in a cursor and run SP_EXECUTESQL on each command, one at a time, or write a script and run XP_CMDSHELL . But there must be better ways.

    Thank you for any assistance.

  • There is an undocumented procedure called sp_MSforeachDB. There's quite a bit of information on Google about how to use it. e.g.

    Behind the scenes it's doing nothing magic, though. Just creating a cursor and looping through each database, so if you want to do that yourself instead, then fine.

  • Hi

    Check this link.




  • If you have your database independent command sting in a varchar(??) variable @command, you can do something like

    use master



    declare @crlf varchar(2)=char(13)+char(10)

    declare @sql varchar(max) = ''

    select @sql = @sql+'use '+name+@crlf+@command+@crlf+'go'+@crlf

    from master.sys.databases

    where source_database_id is null and is_in_standby=0 and is_read_only=0

    and name not in ('distribution','master','model','msdb','resource','tempdb')



    You may want to modify the where clause, depending on what your command does: for example if it just reads the database, maybe you don't want the condition on is_read_only; or you may not want to exclude all the system databases; and so on. Also, if your command contains characters outside the base set you will need to declare the sql variable as nvarchar(max) instead of varchar(max).


  • Tom.Thomson (9/17/2011)

    use master



    declare @crlf varchar(2)=char(13)+char(10)

    declare @sql varchar(max) = ''

    select @sql = @sql+'use '+name+@crlf+@command+@crlf+'go'+@crlf

    from master.sys.databases

    where source_database_id is null and is_in_standby=0 and is_read_only=0

    and name not in ('distribution','master','model','msdb','resource','tempdb')



    Thanks for the code Tom. Copying it for future use 🙂

    Didnt know we can use crlf for new line in SQL!

    Pradeep Singh

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