reportserver floder option??

  • hi

    i have 3 folder in my report server url home page but cilent want to see only 1 folder how to do this

    i used item level sequirty but all this folder displayed in tha home page how to do this..

    and i am using standlone system in that role assigment i want use domain\username so in this which user name i want to use..

    i want to create new user in my system or

    to want to use my cilent system user

  • First of all, if you scroll somewhat down on the forum, you'll see dedicated Reporting Services groups.

    As for your question, the process is like this (depending on version of SSRS):

    When you see the folders:

    1. Click "Show Details" or "Details View" in the upper right side of your browser

    2. Click the icon under the edit column, or move the mouse pointer to the name of the folder, a down arrow shows up, click it and chose Manage

    3. Tick "Hide in list view", and then apply.

    The folder is now hidden, but you (and others) may see it whenever they click "Show Details" or "Details View" as you did.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

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  • ya ok thanks

    i am using standalone system in that role assignment i want create new role assignment domain\user name so in this which user name i want to use..

    i want to create new user in my server system or

    to want to use my client system username in this

  • Sorry, I don't quite understand your question. But for permissions in SSRS you either use local windows accounts or domain accounts. There is nothing like SQL Server Mixed Authentication in Reporting Services.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

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  • domain accounts

  • i find the best way to do SSRS permissions is to create windows groups and then assign the group permissions to what it needs, making sure that at the root of all folders on the home page the relivant group only has browser access to the folders it needs nothing else that way you get what your given, there is no inharitance of permissions

    the beauty of this is that I dont have to keep messing about with permission every time a new user wants access to SSRS, I just pop them in the group, they log off and on again and bang done, no fuss.

  • oh thanks...shall u plz tell me,how to give SSRS permissions to create windows groups and then assign the group permissions..may be ur way useful for my requirement

  • you cant it is a manual thing, SSRS cannot create the groups and assigne people to the groups and the permissions on SSRS

    You have to do it yourself

  • how can i set user name and password in that deployment window

  • you cannot tell BIDS what windows account to use to deploy reports it uses the account of the logged in user

    SSRS uses windows auth so you need to ensure that who ever is deploying reports via BIDS has the right permissions to SSRS

    either that or upload the reports via SSRS's upload tool but again you need the right permissions, this will allow other people to create the reports then you have a dedicated report uploader person just uploading reports all the time

  • i want to give access permission to my client user to view one folder but in my home page there are 3 folder now.. how to do this??..if i use hide option i am also cant see that folder

  • you need to assign the right permission across the whole of the home section, so that people can only see what you want them to see

    In other terms

    modify/delete all the default permissions on all of the folders you can see at the root of SSRS to the right permissions

    this is what i said earlier, assign the right permissions at the folder level

  • As far as I know, there is no such thing as access based visibility. You can however, as I stated, hide it for all users, and you (as the developer) can click detailed view to see it whenever you need, or even add it to favorites in your browser.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

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  • is there any way to create

    when i deploy my reports to my client...

    client user will put user name and password to enter in to report..

  • When the user connects (using for instance Internet Explorer), SSRS will use integrated security by default. If the user comes from a non-trusted domain, there will be a popup asking for username and password. If it is a user from a trusted domain without permissions, he will get a permission denied.

    So, to do what you want. SSRS cannot be in the same domain as the users (or it can be in a workgroup), and you'll have to create user accounts in that domain or on the SSRS server for your clients. This is quite some administrative overhead. I would rather have the SSRS server in a trusted domian and use AD groups for permission, way less administrative overhead.

    Ole Kristian Velstadbråten Bangås - Virinco - Facebook - Twitter

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