How a shrinkfile works in my database.

  • Hi people,

    Thanks again for your time.

    I have a misconception about how SHRINKFILE works, i read the following links:

    But l'm still get confused about what i'm doing.

    My regular process to shrink a database base is based on the following list:

    1.- I ran this script:

    SELECT name, filename,

    CONVERT(Decimal(15,2),ROUND(a.size/128.000,2)) [Currently Allocated Space (MB)],

    CONVERT(Decimal(15,2),ROUND(FILEPROPERTY(,'SpaceUsed')/128.000,2)) AS [Space Used (MB)],

    CONVERT(Decimal(15,2),ROUND((a.size-FILEPROPERTY(,'SpaceUsed'))/128.000,2)) AS [Available Space (MB)]

    FROM dbo.sysfiles a (NOLOCK)

    2.- I check the Available Space and as far i know that's what i can gain.

    3.- then after i ran:

    USE [MyDatabae]


    DBCC SHRINKFILE (N'MyDatabae' , Available Space).

    But please somebody who can clarify what does the SHRINKFILE and when i convenient to use it.


  • In short, it moves the last page in the data file as early as possible, repeat until no more pages can be moved.

    When to use it - almost never. Only time you should really consider a shrink of a data file is when some large archive or data purge has removed a lot of data and the empty space won't be reused in a reasonable amount of time

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • Thanks sir 🙂

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