Returning Data Including Nulls

  • Someone may have a solution for this. I am trying to create a query (abbreviated database script below) which will allow me to extract the name of a list of Workplaces (WEPs) showing the committee member's name, the Workplace Name and Address and the Area name. However, I also need to be able to return the workplace data in the same report where there is NO corresponding member assigned.

    As a work-around I have been able to obtain a solution on two passes the first which provides all the workplace details where there is a corresponding member name, and the second pass to extract workplaces where there is no member name assigned to the position. I have also developed a solution which populates an intermediate 'batchLabels' table containing each workplace id and either null or the members me_id for the position. I then use this both an outer join to obtain all the workplaces. Anyway I would appreciate if any one with more SQL experience than I can come up with a solution.

    I have tried a number of variations of the script below with varying amounts of success.

    For example the query

    SELECT W.wep_id,me_id

    FROM dbo.WEPS AS W

    left JOIN (

    SELECT cm_wep_id,

    MAX(CASE WHEN cm_cpos_id = 2 THEN cm_me_id ELSE NULL END) AS me_id

    FROM committeemembers

    GROUP BY cm_wep_id

    ) AS CM ON CM.cm_wep_id = W.wep_id

    Will give me all the required records, however I am unable to add in the other required tables correctly.

    This query

    SELECT W.wep_id,myRetId, me_id,M.me_surname,wep_name

    FROM dbo.WEPS AS W

    right Join members M on W.wep_id=M.me_wep_id

    left JOIN (

    SELECT cm_wep_id,

    MAX(CASE WHEN cm_cpos_id = 2 THEN cm_me_id ELSE NULL END) AS myRetId

    FROM committeemembers

    GROUP BY cm_wep_id

    ) AS CM ON CM.cm_wep_id = W.wep_id

    provides too much data including names where the position cm_cpos is not 2

    Required Report Result if I want list of workplaces for 'Representatives'

    Peter Brennan

    Position Representative

    Area B

    ABC Company

    123 High Street


    (Blank Name if no name assigned) (No Rep Name, but workplace should still print

    Position Representative

    Area A

    ZIPPO Company

    23 Low Street


    , etc, etc.

    Abbreviated Database structure...

    use MyDataBase


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Members', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.Members


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.CommitteeMembers', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.CommitteeMembers


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.CommitteePositions', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.CommitteePositions


    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.Areas', 'U') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE dbo.Areas





    CREATE TABLE CommitteePositions (

    cpos_Id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    cpos_name varchar (60) NOT NULL,

    cpos_active bit not null default 1


    insert into CommitteePositions(cpos_name) Values('Quality Inspector')

    insert into CommitteePositions(cpos_name) Values('Representative')

    insert into CommitteePositions(cpos_name) Values('Safety Officer')

    CREATE TABLE Members (

    me_id int IDENTITY(654321,1) NOT NULL,

    me_surname varchar (30) NOT NULL,

    me_forename varchar (20) NOT NULL,

    me_type int NOT NULL default 1, -- 0 part time, 1 fulltime

    me_wep_id int NOT NULL,

    me_active bit not null default 1


    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Brennan','Mary',1001,1) -- 654321

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Brown','John',1003,1) -- 654322

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Deloitte','Joan',1003,1) -- 654323

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Brennan','Helen',1004,0) -- 654324

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Brown','Francis',1001,0) -- 654325

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Smith','Andre',1005,1) -- 654326

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Cooper','Jeanne',1002,0) -- 654327

    insert into Members (me_surname,me_forename,me_wep_id, me_type ) values('Deloitte','John',1005,1) -- 654328

    CREATE TABLE CommitteeMembers (

    cm_id int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    cm_me_id int NOT NULL,

    cm_cpos_id int NOT NULL,

    cm_wep_id int NULL,


    insert into committeemembers (cm_me_id,cm_cpos_id,cm_wep_id) values(654321,2,1001)

    insert into committeemembers (cm_me_id,cm_cpos_id,cm_wep_id) values(654322,2,1003)

    insert into committeemembers (cm_me_id,cm_cpos_id,cm_wep_id) values(654323,3,1003)

    insert into committeemembers (cm_me_id,cm_cpos_id,cm_wep_id) values(654324,3,1004)

    insert into committeemembers (cm_me_id,cm_cpos_id,cm_wep_id) values(654328,3,1005)

    CREATE TABLE Areas (

    ar_Id int IDENTITY(100,1) NOT NULL,

    ar_name varchar (60) NOT NULL,

    ar_active bit NULL


    insert into areas(ar_name) values('Ireland')

    insert into areas(ar_name) values('United Kingdom')

    insert into areas(ar_name) values('France')

    insert into areas(ar_name) values('Germany')


    wep_id int IDENTITY(1000,1) NOT NULL,

    wep_name varchar (60) NOT NULL,

    wep_add1 varchar (60) NULL,

    wep_add2 varchar (60) NULL,

    wep_ar_id int NOT NULL,

    wep_active bit NULL


    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('ABC COmpany','123 High Street','Cork',100) -- 1000

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('Zippo COmpany','27 Low Street','London',101) -- 1001

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('XYZ Wine Company','123 Route du Vin','Paris',102) -- 1002

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('123 Wine Company','123 Route du Vin','Paris',102) -- 1003

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('White Milk Company','Green Grass Avenue','Berlin',103) --1004

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('Blue Cheese Company','Chedderland Street','Galway',100) --1005

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('Dark Chocolate Express','7 Rue du Petit Bercy','Biaritz',102) --1006

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('Dairy Produce Ltd','Somewhere Street','Cork',100) -- 1007

    insert into WEPS (wep_name,wep_add1,wep_add2,wep_ar_id) values('ABC COmpany','SomePlace Place','Athenry',100) -- 1008

    Thanks in advance,


  • GOOD JOB posting the required tables and sample data. It could have even better if you had given a "clear" pictoral representation of your expected result (though i see that you have given a good expected result)

    Is this what you were after?

    T-SQL Code:

    DECLARE @Postion VARCHAR(60) = 'Representative'

    SELECT ForeName = CASE WHEN ColName = 'Pos' THEN ISNULL(me_forename , 'Unassigned')

    WHEN ColName = 'wep_name' THEN ''

    WHEN ColName = 'wep_add1' THEN ''

    WHEN ColName = 'wep_add2' THEN ''

    WHEN ColName = 'ar_name' THEN ''


    ,SurName = CASE WHEN ColName = 'Pos' THEN ISNULL(me_surname , 'Unassigned')

    WHEN ColName = 'wep_name' THEN ''

    WHEN ColName = 'wep_add1' THEN ''

    WHEN ColName = 'wep_add2' THEN ''

    WHEN ColName = 'ar_name' THEN ''





    SELECT Pos = @Postion







    FROM dbo.CommitteePositions AS CP

    INNER JOIN dbo.CommitteeMembers AS CMB

    ON CP.cpos_Id = CMB.cm_cpos_id

    AND CP.cpos_name = @Postion

    INNER JOIN dbo.Members AS MB

    ON MB.me_id = CMB.cm_me_id


    ON WP.wep_id = MB.me_wep_id

    LEFT JOIN dbo.Areas AS AR

    ON AR.ar_Id = WP.wep_ar_id

    ) Pvt_Src



    ColVals FOR ColName IN ( [Pos]






    ) Pvt_Handle

    Snapshot of the Result:

  • Thanks a lot. Worked a dream. . .

    . . . and without any tweaking 🙂


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