Problem while Redircting the error rows

  • Hi,

    My issue is that I have a "DATA Flow" Task in which I have a OLEDB Source and OLEDB Destionation. I want to the rows to a Flat File destination If any error happens. So from OLED Destination I connected a Falt File Destination. But I keep having a error which is as below.

    Error 72 Validation error. APP_CIs Flat File Destination [89]: The number of input columns for Flat File Destination.Inputs[Flat File Destination Input] cannot be zero.

    In Error Output Page Of The OLEDB Destination editor I have set ERROR column to "Redirect".

    Any Idea why this error is being produced???


    I dont know if it matters but below are the setting on Connection Manager Page.

    I have kept the Data Access mode to be Fast Load.

    Maximum Insert commit Size To 1000

    Thank You,


  • Hi Na1774

    I tried to replicate your problem with locally; I just created a very small package reading the [Person].[Address] table from the AdventureWorks database, forcing error by shortening its columns length; it worked; let me explains it:

    1. The test-replication data flow

    2. The Warning message on the data source happens because I shortened the columns length in order to force an error.

    3. On the Ole DB Data Source at its Errors Output node, I configured each column to Redirect on error and/or truncation.

    I believe your error is at that stage, have you reconfigured your data source's errors output redirecting the columns triggering the rejection?


    Hope this helps,
    Rock from VbCity

  • Hello,

    Really Thank you for the help.

    But situation is like I have a OLEDB Destinattion and from the destination I have a Flat file destination to redirect the error rows. In your example you connected from OLE DB source.

  • Na1774

    I changed my package moving the flat file collecting the errors to the target OLE DB Destination component, it works, let me explains what I did:

    1. Create the [Person].[Address] table on a different data base, setting one of its columns shorter, that will force an error, and rows will be rejected; the column Address1 was set to a length of 20.

    2. On the OLE DB Destination component I changed the Data Access Mode to Table or View (figures 1 and 2)

    3. On the OLE DB Destination advance editor make sure that the Error Disposition property is set to RD_RedirectRow at the Input and Output Tab on its Ole DB Destination Input node (figure 3)

    4. On the OLE DB Destination editor make sure that the Error Output node is set to Redirect Row (figure 4)

    5. Added the target flat file destination.

    The package handled the rejections properly and the rejected records written to the flat file.

    Figure 1

    Figure 2

    Figure 3

    Figure 4


    Hope this helps,
    Rock from VbCity

  • It was more than helpful. Thank you.

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