How to create slq to return the rows only from the first table with multiple table join?

  • Have a 3 table

    Tabel A

    emplyee_ID, first_name, last_name

    1 John Anderson

    2 Mary Anderson

    3 Tim Silver

    Table B

    emplyee_ID, address

    1 City1

    2 City2

    3 City3

    4 City 4

    Table C

    emplyee_ID, zip

    1 55555

    2 66666

    3 77777

    4 88888

    Here is the query I have

    Select a.first_name, a.last_name,

    from a join b on a.emplyee_ID = b.emplyee_ID join c on a.emplyee_ID= c.emply_ID

    Where a.last name = 'anderson'

    What I expect the return should like this:

    John Anderson, City1, 55555

    Mary Anderson, City2, 66666

    However I received more duplicate. Even I change the qurey as below, I still reciev the duplicates

    Select distinct a.emplyee_ID, a.first_name, a.last_name,

    from a join b on a.emplyee_ID = b.emplyee_ID join c on a.emplyee_ID= c.emply_ID

    Where a.last name = 'anderson'

    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • could you post the output that you are getting ?

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • Here is what I received:

    John Anderson, City1, 55555

    John Anderson, City2, 66666

    John Anderson, City1, 77777

    John Anderson, City2, 88888

    Mary Anderson, City1, 55555

    Mary Anderson, City2, 66666

    Mary Anderson, City1, 77777

    Mary Anderson, City2, 88888


  • I ran the same query it gives the expected result..

    Select a.t,, b.addr,

    from a join b on a.ID = b.ID

    join c

    on a.ID= c.ID

    Where = 'anderson'

    t tl addr zip

    John Anderson city1 55555

    Mary Anderson city2 66666

    for your result the distinct won't resolve anything, as distinct regards a selected output row(all columns included) to be distinct.

    for Join it works as inner join in sql server, so if your table doesn't have duplicate records for an employee id , it should give the expected result.

    I am not sure how are you getting the result..

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

  • in third table actual your data same id have multiple zip code.

    could you please check it third table have unique id's are not..

  • Ensure that EmployeeId is unique in every table. If it is not unique you are bound to get the duplicate records.

    Sujeet Singh

  • You are all correct!

    The third table has duplics.

    If the third table has duplics, is that possible eliminated the duplic return?

    Sorry, my initial information didn't provide the accurate situation.


  • Seattlemsp (7/26/2012)

    You are all correct!

    The third table has duplics.

    If the third table has duplics, is that possible eliminated the duplic return?

    Sorry, my initial information didn't provide the accurate situation.


    The third table contains zip codes, whereas second table has the employeeId & his address (name of the city). Logically you should have a table Cities in your database in which you have the mapping between city & its zip code.

    if you have that, you should then pick the right zip code from the Cities table based on the correct address of the employee taken from second table in your example.

    Sujeet Singh

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