Import data from one table to another excluding any duplicates help

  • This should be nice and simple, but I cannot work out how to do this, hence help required.

    (Table names changes to simplify my query)

    I have a table called T1 and a second table called T2. I want to copy all rows from T2 to T1 except where the data exists using a nominated column

    For example if I have T1 that contains a list of names useing these columns, (id, name, number, etc) and T2 contains (id, name, number etc) I want to insert all the entries from T2 into T1 however if the name in T2 already exists in T1 don’t insert.

    So in this example only Rod would be inserted from T2 to T1 As Ashley already exists within the table NAMES


    ID, Name, Number....

    1, Ashley, 12345

    2, Bob, 54321

    3, Tom, 12345


    ID, Names, Number.....

    1, Ashley, NULL

    2, Rod, NULL

    Expected outcome


    ID, Name, Number....

    1, Ashley, 12345

    2, Bob, 54321

    3, Tom, 12345

    4, Rod, NULL

  • Look at using the MERGE statement

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


    Please help us, help you -before posting a question please read[/url]
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  • INSERT INTO dbo.T1 ( ... )

    SELECT t2.col1, t2.col2, ...

    FROM dbo.T2 t2

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.T1 t1 ON

    t1.Name = t2.Name


    t1.Name IS NULL --only include row if not already in t1

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • create table #T1(ID int, Name varchar(15), Number int)

    insert into #T1 values (1, 'Ashley', 12345)

    insert into #T1 values (2, 'Bob', 54321)

    insert into #T1 values (3, 'Tom', 12345)

    Try this one..................................

    create table #T2(ID int, Name varchar(15), Number int)

    insert into #T2 values (1, 'Ashley', NULL)

    insert into #T2 values (2, 'Rod', NULL)

    SELECT T1.ID, T1.Name, MAX(Number)


    (select * from #T1


    select * from #T2) T1

    GROUP BY T1.ID, T1.Name

    drop table #T1

    drop table #T2

  • ScottPletcher (1/21/2013)

    INSERT INTO dbo.T1 ( ... )

    SELECT t2.col1, t2.col2, ...

    FROM dbo.T2 t2

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.T1 t1 ON

    t1.Name = t2.Name


    t1.Name IS NULL --only include row if not already in t1

    This approach may actually be quite a bit slower depending on the structure of the table.[/url]


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