Relational Model versus XML

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Relational Model versus XML

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  • I'd like to see the performance of the XML solution.

    Also, I would think the structure of your website is known, so a relational model is preferred.

    Curious to see the debate that will follow 🙂

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  • Simply I guessed XML and got it wrong.

    Desire to learn new things..

  • Koen Verbeeck (1/23/2013)

    I'd like to see the performance of the XML solution.

    Also, I would think the structure of your website is known, so a relational model is preferred.

    Curious to see the debate that will follow 🙂


    (yes, performance was one thing came to my mind, OR considering the data is very less and and couple of users are accessing [not at the same time], but still... which (type of) university will be thinking to build a website in such a way? (its a question not rhetorical))

    ww; Raghu
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  • Hmm. I'm with Koen - I'd think you would know the schema to support your website.

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  • Raghavendra Mudugal (1/23/2013)

    Koen Verbeeck (1/23/2013)

    I'd like to see the performance of the XML solution.

    Also, I would think the structure of your website is known, so a relational model is preferred.

    Curious to see the debate that will follow 🙂


    (yes, performance was one thing came to my mind, OR considering the data is very less and and couple of users are accessing [not at the same time], but still... which (type of) university will be thinking to build a website in such a way? (its a question not rhetorical))


    As the type of university I can imagine only "Shepherd University" from an old communist-time joke. Sorry, I'm not able to write the joke in english.

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  • What a stupid question. How can you possibly answer it with the limited details provided?

    ...One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that ones work is terribly important.... Bertrand Russell

  • GPO (1/24/2013)

    What a stupid question. How can you possibly answer it with the limited details provided?

    I first thought it was a joke 😀

    "Pffft, who uses XML anyway?"

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  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Koen Verbeeck (1/23/2013)

    I'd like to see the performance of the XML solution.

    Also, I would think the structure of your website is known, so a relational model is preferred.

    Curious to see the debate that will follow 🙂


  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I got this question right, but only because there isn't enough information to make an choice about one over the other.

    The true answer should be "Either is a candidate at this point, due to insufficient information".

    Steve Hall
    Blog Site

  • I think the correct answer should be worded slightly differently: "Either one can be appropriate" (italics used to emphasize changed part).

    If forced to make a choice based on the limited information given, my second choice would be a relational design with some XML columns for the less- and un-structured data.

    (My first choice would be to first read the documentation and conduct some interviews)

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Hugo Kornelis (1/24/2013)

    I think the correct answer should be worded slightly differently: "Either one can be appropriate" (italics used to emphasize changed part).

    If forced to make a choice based on the limited information given, my second choice would be a relational design with some XML columns for the less- and un-structured data.

    (My first choice would be to first read the documentation and conduct some interviews)


    I think there is a missing answer "Both together is appropriate" which I feel is probably the correct answer based on the poor question. In reality you would probably have a mostly relational database with some XML as required for some of the unstructured content. As such I went for relational and got it wrong as I wouldn't choose a pure XML repository to drive a website. You need a fair bit of data stored relationally. I don't mind getting questions wrong as it helps you to learn, but this is a pretty bad question...

  • Got it right as I thought that "either" was the most probable answer.

    Like most people are saying here I think the real answer is "it depends".

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