Cannot connect to Existing Replica

  • Dear Friends,

    I setup a test run case on 2-Node AlwaysON , on developer edition.The issue is I want to add another replica to this but the connection doesn't happen in the first page of the Add Replica wizard (please refer attached file for the error). I can though connect to both the instances well from outside with the same login. Or does the number of replicas are limited to 2 on Developer edition.Kindly advise.Thanks in advance.


    Best Regards

    Mohammed Arshad

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by  Arsh.
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  • What is the error you receive when you click the "connect" button?

    Developer does not have a 2 node limitation.

    Michael L John
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  • Hi Michael,

    It throws the standard error "  Network Related or Instance-specific...."... Actually, as I noticed, the connection from outside 'Add Replica" isn't also possible with the <'Servername'>\'<InstanceName>' notation , but works well with  '<IP>\<InstanceName>' notation which I am ok with but the issue now is , how do I make 'Add Replica' to go by or allow me to provide the '<IP>\<InstanceName>'  instead of <'Servername'>\'<InstanceName>' .Thanks for any suggestions.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  Arsh.
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Have you tried using T-SQL and not the wizard?



    WITH (

    ENDPOINT_URL = 'TCP://',




  • Got it resolved. The Infra team helped change the name resolution settings and replaced the 'servername.domainname' notation with only the servername.Thank you.

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