dynamic index rebuild based on fragmentation level

  • Hi Guys,

    Anyone have a dynamic script which will list and rebuild indexes > 30% avg fragmentation.

    Seen it somewhere but can't recall....


  • Hi, Ola Hallengren has a really good set of scripts for this:-



  • Here is one I use .. it does NOT do what you requested as far as rebuilding, but you should be able to modify it to perform that task. Further I am NOT the author of the proc, and I failed to keep the individuals name, for which I apologize.

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[IndexFragmentation]


    SELECT OBJECT_NAME(OBJECT_ID) AS Tablename,s.name AS Indexname




    FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(5,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT,DEFAULT) d

    join sysindexes s ON d.OBJECT_ID = s.id

    and d.index_id = s.indid

    --and s.name = 'IX_lOGENTRIES' included for a single specific index otherwise reports all indexes

    Hope this helps you.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • If you haven't found a solution yet, give this a shot:


    Hakim Ali

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