User with total points more than 30000?

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item User with total points more than 30000?

  • Hey Guys,

    Please check the following link there it is showing, Level is "SSChampion" for the user who is having the score greater than 10,000.

  • saravanan.a 88885 (8/15/2013)

    Hey Guys,

    Please check the following link there it is showing, Level is "SSChampion" for the user who is having the score greater than 10,000.


    I think someone going wrong. please check it ....

    Vinay Kumar
    Keep Learning - Keep Growing !!!

  • SSC-Dedicated? where?

  • Is SSC-Dedicated implemented?

  • Apparently a bug in the total leader board not showing the correct levels above SSChampion.

    If you go to the thread mentioned in the reference, you see the correct level with Steve, who is over 30000 points.

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  • This makes me wonder when Gail will reach the SSC Guru level 🙂

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  • As far as I know the current classifications are

    Have a good weekend all

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  • Haha

    See, understand, learn, try, use efficient
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  • Regardless of what a single forum thread says, as of now there are 3 people with more than 30,000 points and they are all showing as SSCChampion. Therefore that is the correct answer, now, and until that bug/feature is corrected.

    I don't care about my 2 points... but the internet is wrong!!!


    Just my tuppence (2 pence/points) worth... 😎

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]"The difficult tasks we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer"[/font]

  • DugyC (8/16/2013)

    as of now there are 3 people with more than 30,000 points and they are all showing as SSCChampion

    If you follow the link given in the explanation you will see that Steve has >31K points and shows as SSC-Dedicated.

  • Toreador (8/16/2013)

    DugyC (8/16/2013)

    as of now there are 3 people with more than 30,000 points and they are all showing as SSCChampion

    If you follow the link given in the explanation you will see that Steve has >31K points and shows as SSC-Dedicated.

    Nope, sorry but regardless of the link in the explanation, Steve is still officially showing as SSChampion... 😛

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]"The difficult tasks we do immediately, the impossible takes a little longer"[/font]

  • Hey, got this one right, I just looked at Jeff Moden's points - 33k and says Dedicated......


    The above link is not valid

  • I think I got lucky really, the question should have said something like what is the user with points between 30k and 40k. becasue there are a few correct answers for users above 30k points.

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