after add two statement stuff query executing take long time as 5 minute?

  • I work on SQL server 2014 after add two stuff statement to script below

    it become very slow

    before add two stuff statement it take 28 second for display 500 thousand

    now as below script and after add two statement stuff take 5 minutes

    so how to solve issue please

    execution plan

    my script as below :

     IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[gen]') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[gen]
    IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[PartAttributes]') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE [dbo].[PartAttributes]
    IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.core_datadefinition_Detailes') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE core_datadefinition_Detailes

    CREATE TABLE core_datadefinition_Detailes(
    [ColumnName] [nvarchar](500) NOT NULL,
    [ColumnNumber] [int] NOT NULL,

    [ID] ASC
    insert into core_datadefinition_Detailes([ColumnNumber],[ColumnName])
    (202503,'Product Shape Type'),
    (202504,'Package Family')

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[gen](
    [TradeCodeControlID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [CodeTypeID] [int] NULL,
    [RevisionID] [bigint] NULL,
    [Code] [varchar](20) NULL,
    [ZPLID] [int] NULL,
    [ZfeatureKey] [bigint] NULL,

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[gen] ON
    INSERT [dbo].[gen] ([TradeCodeControlID], [CodeTypeID],[RevisionID], [Code], [ZPLID], [ZfeatureKey]) VALUES (7565, 849774, 307683692, N'8541100050', 4239, 202503)
    INSERT [dbo].[gen] ([TradeCodeControlID], [CodeTypeID],[RevisionID], [Code], [ZPLID], [ZfeatureKey]) VALUES (7566, 849774, 307683692, N'8541100050', 4239, 202504)
    INSERT [dbo].[gen] ([TradeCodeControlID], [CodeTypeID],[RevisionID], [Code], [ZPLID], [ZfeatureKey]) VALUES (7567, 849774, 307683692, N'8541100050', 4239, 1501170111)


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PartAttributes](
    [PartID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [ZfeatureKey] [bigint] NULL,
    [AcceptedValuesOption_Value] [float] NULL,
    [FeatureValue] [nvarchar](500) NOT NULL
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT [dbo].[PartAttributes] ([PartID], [ZfeatureKey], [FeatureValue]) VALUES (413989, 202503, N'Discrete')
    INSERT [dbo].[PartAttributes] ([PartID], [ZfeatureKey], [FeatureValue]) VALUES (413989, 1501170111, N'Zener')
    INSERT [dbo].[PartAttributes] ([PartID], [ZfeatureKey], [FeatureValue]) VALUES (413989, 202504, N'SOT')

    SELECT PartID,Code,Co.CodeTypeID,Co.RevisionID,Co.ZPLID,Count(1) as ConCount,
    stuff(( SELECT '$' + CAST( CP.ColumnName AS VARCHAR(300)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct d.ColumnName,C.codeTypeId,C.Code,C.ZfeatureKey from gen C
    inner join core_datadefinitiondetails d with(nolock) on C.ZfeatureKey=d.columnnumber
    INNER JOIN PartAttributes P on P.partid=PM.partid)CP
    where CP.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP.Code=Co.Code
    ORDER BY CP.ZfeatureKey

    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    , 1, 1, '') as FeatureName,
    stuff(( SELECT '$' + CAST( CP2.FeatureValue AS VARCHAR(300)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct P.FeatureValue,C2.codeTypeId,C2.Code,C2.ZfeatureKey FROM gen C2
    INNER JOIN PartAttributes P on C2.ZfeatureKey=P.ZfeatureKey)CP2
    where CP2.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP2.Code=Co.Code
    ORDER BY CP2.ZfeatureKey
    ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
    , 1, 1, '') as FeatureValue
    PartAttributes PM
    INNER JOIN gen Co ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey Group By PartID,Code,Co.CodeTypeID,Co.RevisionID,Co.ZPLID

  • That is a bit of a nightmare.

    Just looking through the plan, I see four different plan affecting implicit converts. I see a missing join predicate error. I also see wildly off statistics, "0 of 9190440", all over the place. Also, without a WHERE clause, you're simply moving everything. There's very little you can do to improve a query that moves the planet. You can only really upgrade the hardware.

    So, I'm not even going to try to find where to start. Instead, I'd strongly suggest you take this back to the basics. Rebuild the query, one statement at a time. Go slow. Validate each step individually.

    Also, check your statistics to see if they're up to date because you're getting some real mess in there.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • adding to this - the more complex queries are also using tables without ANY index at all - so lots of table scans (HEAPS to be more precise) - so something to look at also as you should add a clustered index and any further indexes as needed to support your query operations (not just this one!!!)

    regarding this bit of code

    stuff(( SELECT  '$' + CAST( CP.ColumnName AS VARCHAR(300)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct d.ColumnName,C.codeTypeId,C.Code,C.ZfeatureKey from gen C
    inner join core_datadefinitiondetails d with(nolock) on C.ZfeatureKey=d.columnnumber
    INNER JOIN PartAttributes P on P.partid=PM.partid)CP
    where CP.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP.Code=Co.Code
    ORDER BY CP.ZfeatureKey

    I may be wrong - but are you not getting the same string multiple times on the resulting field? if so and if that is not the requirement then changing this may also reduce the amount of data SQL has to store and sort.


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