How to check wheter a value is whole number or in fraction

  • Hi,

    Declare @number as numeric(4,2) = 2.5

    Select @number

    My requirement is I want to check whether @number is whole number or in fraction.

    Thanks in Advance!!

  • DECLARE @number AS NUMERIC(4,2) = 2.5;

    SELECT @number;

    IF (ROUND(@number,0) = @number)

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
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  • Borrowing a bit of Gail's code, pick your poison. Just remember that the prerounding of the datatype you've chosen is going to result in some possibly surprising answers if you pass it numbers like 2.999.

    DECLARE @number AS NUMERIC(4,2) ; SELECT @number = 2.99;

    print @number;

    IF (ROUND(@number,0) = @number)

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

    IF @number%1 = 0

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

    IF CAST(@Number AS INT) = @Number

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

    IF (ROUND(@number,0,1) = @number)

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

    IF @number LIKE '%.%[1-9]%'

    PRINT 'has fractional component';


    PRINT 'whole number';

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  • Thanks GilaMonster and thanks Jeff!!

  • A couple of additional methods 🙂

    IF (FLOOR(@number) = @number)

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

    IF (CEILING(@number) = @number)

    PRINT 'whole number';


    PRINT 'has fractional component';

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  • Back before we had all of these fancy functions I used this method:

    DECLARE @number AS NUMERIC(4,2) ; SELECT @number = 2.99;

    print @number;

    if cast(@number as int) = @number


    Print 'whole number'



    print 'has fractional component'

    I do like the FLOOR/CEILING functions.

    Kurt W. Zimmerman
    SR DBA
    Lefrak Organization
    New York, NY

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