Problem with date variables

  • The table in question has ~100 million rows and an index on the Date column. For some date variables don't seem to work in the following query.

    This query spins and never returns a result set...

    DECLARE @yesterday DATETIME, @today DATETIME

    SET @yesterday = (SELECT DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()),0)-1)

    SET @today = (SELECT DATEADD(d,DATEDIFF(d,0,GETDATE()),0))

    SELECT @yesterday as Date, Username, SUBSTRING(username,PATINDEX('%@%', username) + 1,LEN(username)) AS Domain,

    MAX(called_station_id) AS Number, SUM(acct_session_time)/3600.00 AS Hours


    WHERE Date between @yesterday AND @today

    GROUP BY username

    But if I add the actual date string the result set returns in ~40 seconds...

    SELECT '2014-02-27' as Date, Username, SUBSTRING(username,PATINDEX('%@%', username) + 1,LEN(username)) AS Domain,

    MAX(called_station_id) AS Number, SUM(time)/3600.00 AS Hours


    WHERE Date between '2014-02-27' AND '2014-02-28'

    GROUP BY username

    What am I missing?


  • What's the execution plan look like? It'd be great if you could post that and your index script.

    My guess is you have an index scan on the date index and a key lookup against the clustered index on

    ...or have an implicit conversion from the date to datetime going on.

    100 million rows is a sizeable table. Without seeing your execution plan or knowing exactly what your index looks like, I'd recommend:

    1. Because you said it's quick when you type in the actual date (notice you are not including the '00:00:00:000' - try Changing your @yesterday and @today variables to date to match the data type that's stored in the

    ... Ex: DECLARE @yesterday DATE, @today DATE

    SELECT @yesterday = GETDATE()-1, @today = GETDATE()

    2. Create a filtered index for the current year, past x months, or past year (this should significantly reduce your index size and number of logical reads) - Ex: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX fidx_Dates ON dbo.[Table]

    [Date] ASC

    INCLUDE (Username, call_station_id, acct_session_time)

    WHERE [Date] >= '2014-01-01'

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • What is the datatype of the DATE column?

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  • Turns out...all I had to do was add "Username" to the included columns on the date index. Using the variables works now...but it's still slow. It takes ~2.2 mins to return the results that the other query returns in 40 secs. Oh well...I can live with that.

    Thanks for the input guys!

  • So the 2nd point I mentioned worked for you (great!). If you post your execution plan, we can probably get that thing to run in seconds...I'm still thinking there's a keylookup in there somewhere due to the date/datetime conversion or something similar.

    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

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