Log Shipping Agent errors

  • Hello,

    I have been asked to troubleshoot a SQL job that performs log shipping. I didn't create the job. I also didn't create the original configuration. I don't even have permission to access the production database that the job is attempting to copy from.

    When I log into the server (AD-FoodProdDB1) which houses our SQL server, I run the log shipping command in a command window:

    "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\sqllogship.exe" -Restore 57EF636B-3800-4929-BB18-1F967F2AC831 -server AD-FoodProdDB1

    The output is:

    Microsoft (R) SQL Server Log Shipping Agent

    [Assembly Version =, File Version = 10.50.1600.1 ((KJ_RTM).100402-1539 )]

    Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.57 ----- START OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE -----

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.62 Starting transaction log restore. Secondary ID: '57ef636b-3800-4929-bb18-1f967f2ac831'

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.63 Retrieving restore settings. Secondary ID: '57ef636b-3800-4929-bb18-1f967f2ac831'

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.63 Retrieved common restore settings. Primary Server: 'AD-PRODDB01', Primary Database: 'FOOD', Backup Destination Directory: '\{IP Address}\LSBackup', File Retention Period: 4320 minute(s)

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.64 Retrieved database restore settings. Secondary Database: 'FOOD', Restore Delay: 0, Restore All: True, Restore Mode: Standby, Disconnect Users: False, Last Restored File: <None>, Block Size: Not Specified, Buffer Count: Not Specified, Max Transfer Size: Not Specified

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.65 Deleting old log backup files. Primary Database: 'FOOD'

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.66 *** Error: Could not delete old log backup files.(Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.LogShipping) ***

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.66 *** Error: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\{IP Address}\LSBackup'.(mscorlib) ***

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.67 *** Error: Could not find a part of the path 'C:\\{IP Address}\LSBackup'.(mscorlib) ***

    2014-08-26 14:36:45.68 ----- END OF TRANSACTION LOG RESTORE -----

    Exit Status: 1 (Error)

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    Note: I edited out the real IP address of the server from the message, substituting {IP Address} instead.

    There are two errors. First the log backup files can't be deleted. I believe this tells me that on the AD-FoodProdDB1 server, it can't delete log backup files. The other is that the process is trying to reach c:\{ IP Address}\LSBackup. When logged into this server, I can open up Windows explorer and access c:\LSBackup . I can't access c:\{ IP Address}\LSBackup

    Now, I'd like to report on my findings in a knowledgeable way. Regarding the IP address issue, is it possible that during the configuration of the log shipping, that the user had the option of specifying where the backup is, and erroneously indicated c:\{IP Address}\LSBackup ? Or, is this sort of error caused in some other way?

    Also, any idea why the Log Shipping Agent can't delete old log backup files?


  • Hello, I have abandoned this thread because I am no longer receiving errors with log shipping. Instead, the destination DB is stuck on "restoring..." The new thread is here:


    Thanks for reading.

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