How to replace stuff with string agg on sql server 2017 ?

  • i work on sql server 2017 i need to replace stuff with sting agg string_agg

    so how to do that please

    SET @Sql= CONCAT('INSERT INTO ExtractReports.dbo.TAllData(PartID,Code,CodeTypeID,RevisionID,ZPLID ,ConCount,FeatureName,FeatureValue)',' SELECT  PartID,Code,Co.CodeTypeID,Co.RevisionID,Co.ZPLID,Count(1) as ConCount,
    stuff(( SELECT ''$'' + CAST( CP.ColumnName AS VARCHAR(500)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct d.ColumnName,C.codeTypeId,C.Code,C.ZfeatureKey from ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition C with(nolock)
    inner join core_datadefinitiondetails d with(nolock) on C.ZfeatureKey=d.columnnumber
    INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TPartAttributes P with(nolock) on P.partid=PM.partid)CP
    where CP.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP.Code=Co.Code
    ORDER BY CP.ZfeatureKey

    FOR XML PATH(''''))
    , 1, 1, '''') as FeatureName,
    stuff(( SELECT ''$'' + CAST( CP2.Name AS VARCHAR(500)) AS [text()]
    FROM(SELECT distinct P.partId,P.Name,C2.codeTypeId,C2.Code,C2.ZfeatureKey FROM ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition C2 with(nolock)
    INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TPartAttributes P with(nolock) on C2.ZfeatureKey=P.ZfeatureKey)CP2
    where CP2.codeTypeId=Co.codeTypeId and CP2.Code=Co.Code and CP2.PartId=PM.partid
    ORDER BY CP2.ZfeatureKey
    FOR XML PATH(''''))
    , 1, 1, '''') as FeatureValue
    ExtractReports.dbo.TPartAttributes PM with(nolock)
    INNER JOIN ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition Co with(nolock) ON Co.ZfeatureKey = PM.ZfeatureKey ',
    'Where (1=1 and ',@Con , @ConStr,' ) Group By PartID,Code,Co.CodeTypeID,Co.RevisionID,Co.ZPLID ' ,
    ' Having Count(1)>= ',(SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ExtractReports.dbo.TCondition with(nolock)))

    EXEC (@SQL)
  • You have been posting long enough now to know that you need to provide what you have tried - and where you are having issues.

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

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  • The issue is that they think that they want to stop using the STUFF method (which is really the for XML PATH concatenation) for some reason but won't explain why on this or the other two forums I've see this OP on.  I don't understand why they want to mess with something that already working especially since he didn't even know what STRING_AGG() was a week ago.

    It would also be nice if he posted the materialized SQL after it's built as well as a sample from the output it creates.

    Personally, I'm not touching it until we know why they want to stop using the current working method.

    --Jeff Moden

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  • ok thank you for support and help

  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 wrote:

    ok thank you for support and help

    As Jeff stated on the other forum - not the response we were looking for...

    Jeffrey Williams
    Problems are opportunities brilliantly disguised as insurmountable obstacles.

    How to post questions to get better answers faster
    Managing Transaction Logs

  • and unlikely we will get any useful info of the OP - they just ask the question in multiple forums to see if they get any answer that may temporarily address their issue - but always ignoring request for better/complete info.

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