Cursor or best way to copy/update a table from another table

  • Hi All,

    I have a big csv file which I'm putting into a temp table with the bulk insert command. This works fine.

    What I'm trying to do then is loop through the temp table to either update a matching product in the product table or, if the product doesn't exist, add it to the product table and update my audit log to say whether the product was added or, if it was updated, what fields were updated and the values they were updated from and to.

    Is a cursor the best, most efficient way to do this? This is the cursor I have at the moment but because you cannot use CASE statements in  a cursor I'm unsure on getting the before and after fields when doing an update.

    declare @sku varchar(50) 
    declare @Description varchar(255)
    declare @QtyOnHand decimal(18,2)
    declare @price money
    declare @LastCost money
    declare @value money
    declare @Unit varchar(25)
    declare @branchguid varchar(32)

    Declare updateproduct cursor for
    branchguid from tempProductImport

    Open updateproduct
    fetch next from updateproduct into

    while @@fetch_status = 0

    IF not exists (select * from product where sku = @sku and branchguid = @branchguid)
    insert into product(productguid,SKU,ProductDescription,QuantityOnHand,active,lastcost,value,vatguid,versionnumber,branchguid,LastUpdated)
    (replace(newid(),'-',''),@sku,@Description,@QtyOnHand,1,@LastCost,@value,(select vatguid from vat where vatdescription = 'Standard'),1,@branchguid,getdate())
    --update my audit log.
    insert into audit(AuditGUID,auditdateandtime,audittype,audituser,auditnote)
    (replace(newid(),'-',''),getdate(),'Product Import','NPA','Product added from import ' + @SKU + ' Description ' + @Description)

    fetch next from updateproduct into
    update product set
    --sku = @sku,
    --productdescription = @description,
    QuantityOnHand = cast(@QtyOnHand as decimal),
    lastcost = @lastcost,
    value = @value
    --BranchGUID = @branchguid
    where sku = @sku and branchguid = @branchguid

    --update my audit log.
    insert into audit(AuditGUID,auditdateandtime,audittype,audituser,auditnote)
    (replace(newid(),'-',''),getdate(),'Product Import','NPA','Product updated from import ' + @SKU + ' Description ' + @Description)

    fetch next from updateproduct into


    close updateproduct
    deallocate updateproduct


    Thanks in advance.

  • Since I dont have actual tables and data, the code is untested.

    That said, I believe that the following code will do the UPSERT and AUDIT without the need for a cursor

    DECLARE @vatguid uniqueidentifier = (SELECT vatguid FROM vat WHERE vatdescription = 'Standard');

    UPDATE p
    SET p.QuantityOnHand = CAST(t.Qtyonhand AS decimal)
    , p.lastcost = t.lastcost
    , p.value = t.value
    OUTPUT REPLACE( NEWID(), '-', '' ), GETDATE(), 'Product Import', 'NPA', 'Product updated from import ' + INSERTED.sku + ' Description ' + INSERTED.Description
    INTO audit (AuditGUID, auditdateandtime, audittype, audituser, auditnote)
    FROM product AS p
    INNER JOIN tempProductImport AS t
    ON p.sku = t.sku
    AND p.branchguid = t.branchguid;

    INSERT INTO product ( productguid, SKU, ProductDescription, QuantityOnHand, active, lastcost, VALUE, vatguid, versionnumber, branchguid, LastUpdated )
    OUTPUT INSERTED.productguid, GETDATE(), 'Product Import', 'NPA', 'Product added from import ' + INSERTED.sku + ' Description ' + INSERTED.Description
    INTO audit (AuditGUID, auditdateandtime, audittype, audituser, auditnote)
    SELECT REPLACE( NEWID(), '-', '' ), t.sku, t.Description, t.QtyOnHand, 1, t.LastCost, t.value, @vatguid, 1, t.branchguid, GETDATE()
    FROM tempProductImport AS t
    WHERE p.sku = t.sku
    AND p.branchguid = t.branchguid
  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Sorry about deleting your question.  I clicked the wrong button.

    To get the old value, use DELETED.YourFieldname

    To get the new value, use INSERTED.YourFieldName

    So, I would alter the description of the UPDATE portion as follows

    UPDATE      p
    SET p.QuantityOnHand = CAST(t.Qtyonhand AS DECIMAL)
    , p.lastcost = t.lastcost
    , p.value = t.value
    OUTPUT REPLACE( NEWID(), '-', '' ), GETDATE(), 'Product Import', 'NPA'
    , 'Product updated from import ' + INSERTED.sku + ' Description ' + INSERTED.Description
    + ' OldCost = ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), DELETED.lastcost)
    + ' NewCost = ' + CONVERT(varchar(20), INSERTED.lastcost)
    INTO audit (AuditGUID, auditdateandtime, audittype, audituser, auditnote)
    FROM product AS p
    INNER JOIN tempProductImport AS t
    ON p.sku = t.sku
    AND p.branchguid = t.branchguid;
  • Brilliant, thank you very much for your time Des.

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