Trying to Make My Code More Efficient

  • I am trying to make my code more efficient because I am going to have to write about 120 different iterations of it.

    I want to see if any records exist using certain criteria. If they do, I want the records. If not, I want a message telling me there are no records. Here is a sample of what I want to do:

    IF OBJECT_ID('TempDB..#Product','U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Product


    CREATE TABLE #Product


    Product NVARCHAR(20),

    Quantity DECIMAL(10,2),

    Warehouse NVARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO #Product

    (Product, Quantity, Warehouse)

    SELECT 'Widget1', 1, 'WH1' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Widget1', 0, 'WH2' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Widget2', 14, 'WH1' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Widget2', 5,'WH2' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Widget3', 7, 'WH1' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Widget3', 0, 'WH2'

    --SELECT * FROM #Product

    DECLARE @Warehouse NVARCHAR(20)

    SET @Warehouse = 'WH1'

    IF (SELECT SUM(Quantity)

    FROM #Product

    WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse

    GROUP BY Warehouse) > 10


    SELECT Warehouse, SUM(Quantity) TotalQty

    FROM #Product

    WHERE Warehouse = @Warehouse

    GROUP BY Warehouse




    PRINT 'There are less than 10 items in this warehouse'



    Desired Result

    If @Warehouse = 'WH2'

    There are less than 10 items in this warehouse

    If @Warehouse = 'WH1'

    Warehouse TotalQty

    --------- --------

    WH1 22.00


    This is obviously a lot simpler than the code I am actually using. My biggest problem with this is that I essentially have to write the code for the IF statement, then rewrite it for the SELECT statement. Is there any way I can "shorthand" this?



  • How about:

    SELECT X.Warehouse,

    CASE WHEN Total_Quantity > 10 THEN CONVERT(varchar(100), Total_Quantity) ELSE 'There are less than 10 items in this warehouse' END


    (SELECT Warehouse, SUM(Quantity) Total_Quantity

    FROM #Product

    GROUP BY Warehouse) X

    WHERE X.Warehouse = @Warehouse

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • Sometimes I make things more difficult than they should be. Thank you for the tip.

  • How about?:

    SELECT p.Warehouse,

    CASE WHEN SUM(Quantity) >= 10

    THEN CAST(SUM(Quantity) AS varchar(30))

    ELSE 'There are fewer than 10 items in this warehouse.'

    END AS Quantity

    FROM #Product p

    WHERE p.Warehouse = @Warehouse

    GROUP BY p.Warehouse

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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