How to get rows that have sourctype 484456 only when group by GivenPartNumber_No

  • I work on sql server 2012 i need to get rows that have source type 484456

    when group by two columns group by GivenPartNumber_Non and vcompanyid

    so i need to make select query display every group of rows by GivenPartNumber_Non and vcompanyid have source type 484456 only

    may be this group one row or 2rows or 3 rows or more etc any way i need to retrieve it .

    create table #notmappedsources
    GivenPartNumber_Non varchar(200),
    vcompanyid int,
    SourceType int
    insert into #notmappedsources(GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid,SourceType)









    expected result as below :


  • SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non,  vcompanyid int, SourceType

    FROM #notmappedsources

    WHERE SourceType = 484456

    This is very basic.

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • thank you for reply

    it not return my expected result above


    please run that query

    SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non,  vcompanyid int, SourceType

    FROM #notmappedsources

    WHERE SourceType = 484456

    it will give rows extra as


    MNH32                     5601      484456
    KLMD33 5022 484456


  • i need to get groups that have only one source as 484456

    but groups have multi source i don't need it

    so below

    MNH32 5601 484456

    KLMD33 5022 484456

    must not display because it have other sources

  • Maybe something like this?

    WITH SinglesourcePartCompany AS (
    SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid
    FROM #notmappedsources
    GROUP BY GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid
    HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT sourcetype) = 1
    SELECT nms.GivenPartNumber_Non, nms.vcompanyid, nms.SourceType
    FROM #notmappedsources nms
    INNER JOIN SinglesourcePartCompany spc ON spc.GivenPartNumber_Non = nms.GivenPartNumber_Non AND spc.vcompanyid = nms.vcompanyid
    WHERE nms.SourceType = 484456
  • Similar to kaj's code

    with unq_prs(GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid) as (
    select GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid
    from #notmappedsources
    group by GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid
    having count(*)=sum(iif(SourceType=484456, 1, 0)))
    select n.*
    from #notmappedsources n
    join unq_prs up on n.GivenPartNumber_Non=up.GivenPartNumber_Non
    and n.vcompanyid=up.vcompanyid;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können


    SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid, MAX(SourceType) AS 'SourceType'
    FROM #notmappedsources
    GROUP BY GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid
    HAVING MAX(SourceType) = 484456
    AND MIN(SourceType) = 484456

    and for fun.

    DECLARE @SourceType INT = 484456

    SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid, @SourceType AS 'SourceType'
    FROM #notmappedsources
    WHERE SourceType = 484456
    SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid, @SourceType
    FROM #notmappedsources
    WHERE SourceType <> 484456

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by  Ed B.
  • ahmed_elbarbary.2010 wrote:

    thank you for reply

    it not return my expected result above

    please run that query

    SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non,  vcompanyid int, SourceType

    FROM #notmappedsources

    WHERE SourceType = 484456

    it will give rows extra as

    MNH32                     5601      484456
    KLMD33 5022 484456

    Whoops.  I didn't pay attention to what you asked.  You have two solutions!

    Michael L John
    If you assassinate a DBA, would you pull a trigger?
    To properly post on a forum:

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Please check this query:



    SELECT *,RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid ORDER BY SourceType) Rank_ASC

    ,RANK()OVER(PARTITION BY GivenPartNumber_Non,vcompanyid ORDER BY SourceType DESC) Rank_DESC

    FROM #notmappedsources

    )SELECT GivenPartNumber_Non, vcompanyid,SourceType


    WHERE SourceType = 484456 AND Rank_ASC=Rank_DESC

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