Sql Job Output

  • Hi,

    I am working to store the job output. I need an idea

    I have a sql job with 12 steps. If it fails any step I want to store the output to a user table with the error message and at what step it failed?

    If a step success it has to go to next step if it fails it has to quit reporting failure

    or else

    I am looking to add a logic to each step when it failed it needs to send email with step no and error msg. But here we are almost executing store procs for eachstep



    EXEC [dbo].[spTest]



    Declare @sub sysname = @@servername

    DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max) = ''Job Failure Notification from '' + @sub;

    DECLARE @body nvarchar(max) = '' Job Failed on stepno --''

    + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + ''Error Number: '' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar(max))

    + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + ''Error Message: '' + ERROR_MESSAGE();

    DECLARE @to nvarchar(max) = ''ramana3327@yahoo.com'';

    DECLARE @profile_name sysname = ''SQLMailProfile'';

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = @profile_name,

    @recipients = @to, @subject = @subject, @body = @body;



    I selected on the success action it has to go to next step on failure need to report failure and quit

    but it is sending email with error message but still it is going to the next step

  • the reason your job continues to the next step after sending an email is because the step completes successfully (ie proc runs, error caught, email sent). the try-catch shelters the error from the the agent. try adding a throw to your catch clause.



    EXEC [dbo].[spTest]



    Declare @sub sysname = @@servername

    DECLARE @subject nvarchar(max) = ''Job Failure Notification from '' + @sub;

    DECLARE @body nvarchar(max) = '' Job Failed on stepno --''

    + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + ''Error Number: '' + CAST(ERROR_NUMBER() AS nvarchar(max))

    + CHAR(10) + CHAR(13) + ''Error Message: '' + ERROR_MESSAGE();

    DECLARE @to nvarchar(max) = ''ramana3327@yahoo.com'';

    DECLARE @profile_name sysname = ''SQLMailProfile'';

    EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = @profile_name,

    @recipients = @to, @subject = @subject, @body = @body;




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  • So for each job step I need to include this job right?

    How can I display step id where it failed just like @@servername

  • you could use msdb.dbo.sp_help_job @execution_status = 1 to identify job step. you would have to do some parsing of the output.

    my suggestion would be to checkout the msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory table. You can remove the try-catch from every step and just run the proc. create a step that that queries sysjobhistory for failed jobs and emails the output. then have all other steps run that step on failure.

    step 1 - run proc - on success: next step , on failure: email step[4]

    step 2 - run proc - on success: next step, on failure: email step [4]

    step 3 - run proc - on success: quit job reporting success, on failure: email step[4]

    step 4 - email step - on success; quit job reporting failure, on failure; quit job reporting failure

    here is an example query from sysjobhistory

    SELECT step_name,step_id,sql_message_id, sql_severity, message, cast(cast(run_date as varchar(8)) as date)

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory

    where run_status <> 1

    and cast(cast(run_date as varchar(8)) as date) = cast(sysdatetime() as date)

    and job_id = '<job_id>'

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  • Thank you.

    Instead of sending the output through email

    If you want to store each run step by step in user database table. How could you do that?

  • ramana3327 (1/19/2016)

    Thank you.

    Instead of sending the output through email

    If you want to store each run step by step in user database table. How could you do that?

    You could create a table to store the data you want about each step. In the procedure executed by each step, insert a row into the table. You could then query the table to return the output of a single run. If you want to track performance in the same table, add an EntryDate Datetime not null default GETDATE() column to the table. If you just wan to track performance and nothing else, use msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory like Bob suggested.

  • The stored procedures can't be modify

    I am executing a sp in each step. If any step failed either it is executing the sp or just adhoc query I need to write the output i.e. why it failed and in which step it failed in to the user database table instead of writing the output to the file or log to the table in msdb

    Is it possible to do?

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