Restore from URL fails for 2019 server but not 2017

  • I'm planning to carry out a rolling upgrade from a 2 node AG in SQL 2017 to a 2 node AG in SQL 2019.  The 2017 backups are taken via URL to Azure Storage Accounts and these are then used to restore to the new 2019 servers.  The backups are takenn using Ola Hallengrens scripts and have the @Verify flag set which pass.  The restores to the new 2019 servers fail with a problem reading the backup blobs.  I took new backups to rule out corrupt backups but had the same issue.

    I run restore verifyonly on the 2019 server and it fails but I run the same command on the 2017 server and it succeeds.

    I have now tried backing the db to a file rather than azure and this can be successfully restored to the 2019 server.

    N.B. Other db's have been successfully restored from URL to the new 2019 server

    Has anyone seen this issue before?  is it an issue with 2019 CU15?

    Thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by  krdba.
  • Are the needed certificates installed on your SQL2019 ?

    Easiest with DBATools Copy-DbaCredential


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  • Thanks for your reply,

    It turns out that this issue is to do with the cluster service.  If the cluster service is stopped then the restores work, if it's turned back on they fail.

    We haven't proven whether this is to do with the different version of sql in the cluster (2017 and 2019) or whether it's the different versions of windows in the cluster as we are also moving to win 2022 from win 2019

    Further testing to be done

  • ah, another issue with Windows 2022 !!

    ( we have an issue with HyperV clustered on Win2022 ( bluescreens ) )


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  • Just for update, we have proven that a 2019 cluster works fine, only issue with Win 2022 cluster.  Issue to be raised with Microsoft.

  • thank you for the feedback.


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