Nearest date

  • Hi

    I have two tables orders and companyrefferals

    I am trying to return a ReferralId from the companyrefferals table for eachcustomer based looking at nearest or closest between the two table single datefields

    companyrefferals DateReferred column and  Orders OrderDatecolumn

    I Have the following working query.

    select top 1 r.ReferralId, o.CustomerID, o.OrderID

    from companyrefferalsr

    left join orders o

    on r.CustomerID = o.CustomerID

    where r.DateReferred <=o.OrderDate

    AND o.CustomerID = 'ABC1'

    which is great when this customer has only 1 ReferralId record in his / herhistory records, from the companyrefferals table
    the issue I have is when a customer has 2 or more
    I have tried to amend the above with no luck

    please help

  • No sample,or DDL, so untested, and no expected result set, but maybe...:
    SELECT cr.ReferralId, o.CustomerID, o.OrderID
    FROM orders o
                      FROM companyrefferalsr ca
                      WHERE ca.CustomerID = CustomerID
                       AND ca.DateReferred <= o.OrderDate
                      ORDER BY ca.DateReferred DESC) cr
    WHERE o.CustomerID = 'ABC1';


    Excuse my typos and sometimes awful grammar. My fingers work faster than my brain does.

  • Well, hard to say without having more information.  It would help if you could provide the DDL (CREATE TABLE statement) for the two tables, some sample data (not production data) (INSERT INTO statements) for both tables, and expected results based on the sample data.

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