does aws rds supports pulication and distribution of sqlserver replicaltion

  • hi,

    i wanted to implement transactional replication or mearge replication on aws rds , but one artical said they only allow subscription , is it true,

    that is can i make publication and distribution on aws rds in any way?

    like if i make publication on rds and distribution on aws windows server.

    q2) is there any free other tools available for replication, like third party which are trusted?

  • According to the documentation I'm familiar with, pure SQL Server replication is only supported with AWS RDS as a Subscriber. It's a mechanism to get you into AWS RDS. However, they don't want you leaving it. They do offer their own version of replication through the  AWS Data Migration Service. It's a different set of functionality, but does approximately the same things. You also have the ability to set up Availability Groups, which may get you where you want to go.

    Why all this emphasis on replication? It's a fairly old technology that Microsoft has given just about zero attention to since SQL Server 2008R2. There are a whole slew of superior technologies available now, starting with Availability Groups. I'd be looking to those over replication in this day & age.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • You can set up replication between an on-prem SQL server and an AWS SQL server.  You need to google setting up replication without a domain.  I did it with SQL 2008 r2 and then SQL 2012.  The reason was that we needed a subset of the production data in real time for reporting.

    As I remember, you needed to set up the same local accounts on both servers, as well as the same SQL authentication accounts on both servers.

    Like Grant said, what are you trying to accomplish?  There may be a far easier set of technologies available to you, depending upon what your needs are.

    Michael L John
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  • i have production database on aws rds, where customer is entering data, i need a replica at customers siteoffice where he can see his reports offline and online also, but need the data entered at aws rds with in 15 min at local machine (siteoffice express edition only).



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