exec (@sp) running twice

  • Hi,
    I have some code that's been running fine 99% of the time but sometimes it executes the same stored procedure twice for an unknown reason.

    So this is the code:
    DECLARE @sp varchar(150)
    DECLARE @cnt INT = 1
    DECLARE @DateFrom date = DATEADD(m,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE())-12,0))
    DECLARE @DateTo date = DATEADD(m,0,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,GETDATE()),0))
    SET @RunID = (SELECT MAX(RunID) as RunID FROM [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun])

    ------------------- EXECUTE ALL THE STORED PROCEDURES THAT NEED TO RUN ------------------------

    CREATE TABLE #temp (Target int)

    WHILE @cnt < (SELECT DISTINCT MAX(Target_ID)+1 as SPs FROM [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun] WHERE RunID = @RunID)
        SET @sp = NULL
        SET @sp = (SELECT DISTINCT '[RISE].[dbo].' + [Target_StoredProcName] as SPs    FROM [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun] WHERE Target_ID = @cnt AND RunID = @RunID)
        INSERT INTO #temp SELECT @cnt

        BEGIN TRY
            EXEC (@sp)
        END TRY

        BEGIN CATCH        
            INSERT INTO [RISE_AUDIT].[dbo].[tb_Error_Log]
            SELECT Err.*
                    SELECT @RunID RunID
                         ,GETDATE() AS Date
                         ,ERROR_NUMBER() AS ErrorNumber
                         ,ERROR_SEVERITY() AS ErrorSeverity
                         ,ERROR_STATE() AS ErrorState
                         ,ERROR_PROCEDURE() AS ErrorProcedure
                         ,(SELECT DISTINCT [Target_ID] FROM [RISE].[dbo].[tb_Targets] WHERE Target_StoredProcName = ERROR_PROCEDURE()) [Target_ID]
                         ,ERROR_LINE() AS ErrorLine
                         ,ERROR_MESSAGE() AS ErrorMessage
                ) Err
                LEFT JOIN
                [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun] CTR
                ON CTR.Target_ID = @cnt
                AND CTR.RunID = @RunID
            DELETE #temp WHERE Target = @cnt
            RAISERROR('Something went wrong with: ',1,0);
        END CATCH
        SET @cnt = @cnt + 1

    notes: tb_companies_to_run is a queue of stp's that need to run
    and they are separated by batches by the RunID
    as the loop is going thru running all of the stp's in the current batch sometimes it just decides to run the stp's twice creating duplicates in data tables.
    I've checked the batch that had duplicated data but the queue was alright no duplicates in the tb_companies_to_run table

    There is a try catch in there but in that run nothing failed so it shouldn't matter

    Any ideas anyone please I'm running out of them 😀

  • Is it possible something modified [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun] while the process was running?  Since you're requerying that table every time you loop it's possible something was modifying those SP names while it was running.

  • What about something like this?

    DECLARE @sp nvarchar(max)
    SET @RunID = (SELECT MAX(RunID) as RunID FROM [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun])

    ------------------- EXECUTE ALL THE STORED PROCEDURES THAT NEED TO RUN ------------------------

    SELECT @sp = ( SELECT DISTINCT '[RISE].[dbo].' + [Target_StoredProcName]
        FROM [RISE].[dbo].[tb_CompaniesToRun]
        WHERE RunID = @RunID
        FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('./text()[1]', 'varchar(max)')
    EXEC sp_Executesql @sp;

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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