Question Regarding Date logic

  • Hi,

    I need to get Year, monthname in three letters, startdate and enddate  of the month for last two years based on today’s date. Any sample query please

  • KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 9:16 AM


    I need to get Year, monthname in three letters, startdate and enddate  of the month for last two years based on today’s date. Any sample query please

    You should find it easy enough from here:

    SELECT bom = DATEADD(day,1,DATEADD(month,-1,x.eom)), x.eom

    FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),

    (13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24)) d (n)


    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 9:16 AM


    I need to get Year, monthname in three letters, startdate and enddate  of the month for last two years based on today’s date. Any sample query please

    You need to tell us how you intend to use the result.  It WILL make a difference in what the EndDate should actually be (End of Month may NOT be the right value for this).  I know you may not understand that right now so tell us how you're going to use the result so we can address that for you.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Hi Chris and Jeff thank you for the replies. i will hold these values in temp table and will be using it for further use  in joining with other tables. those first and last date of month will  be required for other operations.

    Hi Chris, i got the below error. I am usingg sqlserver 2008R2

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
    'EOMONTH' is not a recognized built-in function name

  • KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 11:23 AM

    Hi Chris and Jeff thank you for the replies. i will hold these values in temp table and will be using it for further use  in joining with other tables. those first and last date of month will  be required for other operations.

    Hi Chris, i got the below error. I am usingg sqlserver 2008R2

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
    'EOMONTH' is not a recognized built-in function name

    EOMONTH was added in SQL 2012.  Chris' formula will also produce incorrect results whenever the current month does NOT have 31 days.  Try making the following modification to his code.

    SELECT bom = DATEADD(day,1,DATEADD(month,-1,x.eom)), x.eom

    FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),

    (13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24)) d (n)



    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Hi Drew,
    Thank you and it's working. is it possible to pass the 24 as value? this 24 may change and it might be 18 or some other number. i will get this number as parameter to my proc. is there any way to make this 24 as variable number.

  • KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 12:18 PM

    Hi Drew,
    Thank you and it's working. is it possible to pass the 24 as value? this 24 may change and it might be 18 or some other number. i will get this number as parameter to my proc. is there any way to make this 24 as variable number.

    What have you tried?


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • drew.allen - Friday, January 19, 2018 11:57 AM

    KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 11:23 AM

    Hi Chris and Jeff thank you for the replies. i will hold these values in temp table and will be using it for further use  in joining with other tables. those first and last date of month will  be required for other operations.

    Hi Chris, i got the below error. I am usingg sqlserver 2008R2

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
    'EOMONTH' is not a recognized built-in function name

    EOMONTH was added in SQL 2012.  Chris' formula will also produce incorrect results whenever the current month does NOT have 31 days.  Try making the following modification to his code.

    SELECT bom = DATEADD(day,1,DATEADD(month,-1,x.eom)), x.eom

    FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),

    (13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24)) d (n)



    When I run this I get 10 beginning of month dates that look wrong to me.

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • Hi Drew,

    below is my try
        ,@StartDate DATETIME
        ,@Duration TINYINT = 15;

    SET @EndDate = getdate();
    SET @StartDate = DATEADD(MM, - @Duration, @EndDate)

    SELECT UPPER(convert(VARCHAR(3), datename(month, DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, @EndDate) - N, 0)))) Month
        ,DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, @EndDate) - N, 0) startdate
        ,DATEADD(MM, DATEDIFF(MM, 0, @EndDate) - N + 1, 0) - 1 enddate
    FROM (
        VALUES (0)
        ) x(N)
    WHERE N <= DATEDIFF(MONTH, @StartDate, @EndDate);

    I am not sure how do i apply this on your query. because you have used cross apply to calculate  EOM. Curious to know about how can i achieve the same in your  query

  • All you have to set / pass in is the "@number_of_months", although you could pass in a different ending month if you wanted to.

    DECLARE @number_of_months int
    SET @number_of_months = 24


    DECLARE @start_month date
    DECLARE @end_month date

    --SET @end_month = '20171113'
    SET @end_month = ISNULL(@end_month, GETDATE())
    SET @start_month = DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, @end_month) - @number_of_months + 1, 0)

    cteTally10 AS (
      SELECT * FROM (VALUES(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0),(0)) AS numbers(number)
    cteTally100 AS (
      FROM cteTally10 c1
      CROSS JOIN cteTally10 c2
    SELECT YEAR(first_day_of_month) AS year, CAST(DATENAME(MONTH, first_day_of_month) AS char(3)) AS mon,
      first_day_of_month, DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, 1, first_day_of_month)) AS last_day_of_month
    FROM cteTally100 months
      SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, months.number - 1, @start_month) AS first_day_of_month
    ) AS ca1
    WHERE months.number <= @number_of_months

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Thank you scott for  sharing another way of doing this.

  • KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 11:23 AM

    Hi Chris and Jeff thank you for the replies. i will hold these values in temp table and will be using it for further use  in joining with other tables. those first and last date of month will  be required for other operations.

    Hi Chris, i got the below error. I am usingg sqlserver 2008R2

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
    'EOMONTH' is not a recognized built-in function name

    "Required for other operations" doesn't tell me much.  What kind of operations?  Are you talking about using the start and end dates as join criteria to group dated rows?  If so, EOMONTH is the wrong way to go.  You should also bullet proof your code by anticipating someone using using times in the date columns of those "other tables in those other operations" as well.  So, what are the "other operations" that you're talking about.  Be specific about the method(s) that will be using the start and end dates.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • drew.allen - Friday, January 19, 2018 11:57 AM

    KGJ-Dev - Friday, January 19, 2018 11:23 AM

    Hi Chris and Jeff thank you for the replies. i will hold these values in temp table and will be using it for further use  in joining with other tables. those first and last date of month will  be required for other operations.

    Hi Chris, i got the below error. I am usingg sqlserver 2008R2

    Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 7
    'EOMONTH' is not a recognized built-in function name

    EOMONTH was added in SQL 2012.  Chris' formula will also produce incorrect results whenever the current month does NOT have 31 days.  Try making the following modification to his code.

    SELECT bom = DATEADD(day,1,DATEADD(month,-1,x.eom)), x.eom

    FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),

    (13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24)) d (n)



    Cheers Drew - but there's an error in your version too:
    DECLARE @getdate-2 DATETIME = '20170228'
    -- Drew's code
    SELECT bom = DATEADD(day,1,DATEADD(month,-1,x.eom)), x.eom
    FROM (VALUES (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),
     (13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24)) d (n)
    CROSS APPLY (SELECT eom = DATEADD(MONTH,DATEDIFF(MONTH, -1, @getdate-2) - n, -1)) x
    -- Chris v2
    SELECT bom, eom = DATEADD(DAY,-1,DATEADD(MONTH,1,bom))
    FROM (VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10),(11),(12),
     (13),(14),(15),(16),(17),(18),(19),(20),(21),(22),(23),(24)) d (n)
    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • This may be 'the long way around the barn', but it works.  You could set this up a a SP and pass it the number of months you want and a start date(current date).

    DECLARE @months        AS INT;
    DECLARE @startdate    AS DATE;
    DECLARE @Begindate    AS DATE;

    DECLARE @datetable TABLE
        Year_int    INT,
        Month_Int    INT,
        Month_Abv    CHAR(3),
        BOM_Date    DATE,
        EOM_Date    DATE

    SET @months = 30;
    SET @startdate = GETDATE();

    SET @Begindate = (SELECT DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dd, @startdate) - 1), @startdate));


    INSERT INTO @datetable
    SELECT YEAR(@Begindate) AS Year_int,
        MONTH(@Begindate) AS Month_Int,
        LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(11), @Begindate, 107), 3) AS Month_Abv,
        @Begindate AS BOM_Date,
        DATEADD(dd, -1, DATEADD(MM, 1, @Begindate)) AS EOM_Date

    SET @months = @months -1;

    SET @Begindate = (SELECT DATEADD(mm, -1, @Begindate));

    IF @months > 0
    SELECT *
    FROM @datetable

    we travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us
    Don't fear failure, fear regret.

  • below86 - Monday, January 22, 2018 9:48 AM

    This may be 'the long way around the barn', but it works.  You could set this up a a SP and pass it the number of months you want and a start date(current date).

    DECLARE @months        AS INT;
    DECLARE @startdate    AS DATE;
    DECLARE @Begindate    AS DATE;

    DECLARE @datetable TABLE
        Year_int    INT,
        Month_Int    INT,
        Month_Abv    CHAR(3),
        BOM_Date    DATE,
        EOM_Date    DATE

    SET @months = 30;
    SET @startdate = GETDATE();

    SET @Begindate = (SELECT DATEADD(dd, -(DATEPART(dd, @startdate) - 1), @startdate));


    INSERT INTO @datetable
    SELECT YEAR(@Begindate) AS Year_int,
        MONTH(@Begindate) AS Month_Int,
        LEFT(CONVERT(CHAR(11), @Begindate, 107), 3) AS Month_Abv,
        @Begindate AS BOM_Date,
        DATEADD(dd, -1, DATEADD(MM, 1, @Begindate)) AS EOM_Date

    SET @months = @months -1;

    SET @Begindate = (SELECT DATEADD(mm, -1, @Begindate));

    IF @months > 0
    SELECT *
    FROM @datetable

    A loop is horribly inefficient compared to the tally table method outlined earlier in this thread.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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