SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Server DTS Resources


SQL DTS Resources for SQL Server


As I work with a particular topic or problem, I often research on the Internet

different opinions, white papers, etc. Here is a list of resources that are located both

on SQL Server Central and other sites that I have found useful.

Online Resources - General

Data Transformation Services (DTS) in

Microsoft SQL Server 2000

An overview white paper from MS on DTS.
Distributing SQL Server Client Components Distributing the SQL server client components. Includes based information about sqlredis.exe hich will install the connectivity. The detailed switches for sqlredis.exe are here. Also an explanation on deploying solutions.
DTS Object Model Diagram Starting point for the object models for DTS.
DTS FAQ From sqldts.com, a good place to look for general information
SQL Server Central DTS Articles The list of all articles on this site relating to DTS.
Building a DTS Custom Task Starting point on msdn for samples for building custom tasks.
Extended DTS Objects A look at the new DTS objects in SQL 2000 as applied to SQL 7.

Online Resources - VB

Creating DTS Packages in Visual Basic

Online Resources - C++

Implementing and Testing a DTS Custom Transformation A desccription of how to implement a custom task using Visual C++.


SQL Server 7/2000 FIX: Error "The System Cannot Find the File Specified" When You Open a DTS Package (Q274716) If you have SQL 7 and SQL 2000 clients, you may experience this error.
SQL Server 2000 FIX: "Incorrect Syntax Near COLLATE" During DTS Transfer on SQL Server 7.0 Database Restored to SQL Server 2000 (Q288411) Incorrect compatibility setting in SQL 2000 may cause this error.
SQL Server 2000 PRB: Errors May Occur When You Use SQL Server 2000 to Save a DTS Package as a Visual Basic File (Q293164) If you save a DTS v 7 package as VB using SQL 2000 tools, you may have errors. This article gives a workaround.
SQL Server 2000 FIX: "Unspecified error" Raised When Working with DTS Packages on Localized SQL Server 2000 (Q301579) Errors with localized versions of the product. The latest service pack should fix this.
SQL Server 2000 and Access 2000 ACC2000: "Overflow" Error Message When You Try to Upsize to SQL Server 2000 (Q272384)

Errors when upsizing Access 2000. Article gives a workaround.
SQL Server 2000 and Exchange 2000 PRB: ExOleDB Provider Doesn't Work with SQL Server 2000 DTS Tool (Q287753) The OLEDB provider for exchange is not inteded to work with DTS.
SQL Server 2000 and SQL 7 OLAP services BUG: Processing a SQL Server 7.0 Object From a SQL Server 2000 DTS Task Causes an Error (Q270856) No workaround given, but confirmed issue.
SQL Server 7 PRB: DTS Packages in SQL Server 7.0 Cannot Be Saved Using SQL Server 2000 Encrypted Format (Q280807) Fixed with SQL 7, SP3
SQL Server 2000 FIX: sp_MSdependencies May Run for a Long Time to Script Tables and Views (Q308888) Fixed by SP2.
SQL Server 2000 FIX: DTS FTP Task Does Not Behave as Expected if Destination Is Out of Space or the Destination File Exists (Q286773) Workarounds given.
SQL Server 2000 FIX: Use of the Copy Database Wizard to Copy a Database Disables Full-Text Indexing on the Source Database (Q303224) Fixed in service pack, but what an annoying error.
SQL Server 2000/7 FIX: DTS Fails to Import Last Row If There is No Last Row Terminator (Q259304) Should be fixed in SP, but probably want a row terminator.
SQL Server 7/2000 FIX: FetchBufferSize Greater than Certain Number Fails to Transfer all Rows and Does Not Return an Error (Q286737) Should be fixed in SP2.
SQL Server 2000 FIX: DTS Package Reports Success When FTP Task Doesn't Transfer All Files (Q288188) Never should have been reported, but supposedly fixed in Sp2.
SQL Server 7 / 2000 PRB: "Invalid Class String" Error When Opening DTS Package (Q288910) Gives a workaround, but tasks are not registered. Most likely an installation or upgrade problem.


Professional SQL Server 2000 DTS
I know I'm slightly biased, but this is a good beginning book for DTS development. It covers a number of topics and is worth owning.

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Data Transformation Services

Haven't read it, but glanced through it and have had some people tell me it's worth buying.


There are lots more bugs and I will keep adding them. If you have some, please let me know. As always, I welcome feedback for this article (use the 'Your Opinion' tab below) and please take

the time to rate this article.

Steve Jones

©dkRanch.net April 2002

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