• GM SSC,

    I have been on several blogs researching about MERGE vs UPDATE. Which is more effective? I have read some blogs that say "don't believe the hype" about MERGE. It's slow and bulky. I have read other blogs that say MERGE is the best thing since sliced bread. Perhaps the real answer to this MERGE vs UPDATE riddle is simply... "It depends." It depends on the amount of data that you are processing and it also depends on your hardware. But what is the real answer? This does not seem like a straight forward question with a T/F answer.

    Your thoughts?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks SSC 🙂

    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. --Mike Tyson

  • I've heard quite a bit about MERGE over the years, with much of it in the category of "MERGE is unreliable", and given the occasional difficulty in figuring out exactly what it's doing, I'm only willing to trust it with the very simplest of upserts.   There's no way I would trust it with something complex.   As far as I can tell, it effectively ends up doing an update and an insert under the covers anyway, so I'm not entirely convinced it's a better solution for anything but the truly simple stuff.   Your mileage probably WILL vary, so yeah, it VERY much depends...

  • I'm in the same camp as Steve.  MERGE had some pretty bad reports in the beginning.  It's supposedly much improved but the damage was already done and I've seen nothing remarkable for performance improvements nor true reduction in code so I just continue to do good ol' fashioned "UPSERTS" where I handle the INSERT of new data separately from the UPDATE of existing data.  I know a lot of folks will disagree with me but I also prefer to keep them separate so that I don't take a chance on screwing both up if I have to make a change.  I prefer "exquisite control and separation" of each, especially when it comes to troubleshooting why something isn't working quite right.

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  • I was of the same thought as Steve and Jeff.  But recently I've started using the MERGE statement, so far "knock on wood" I haven't ran into any issues.

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  • For UPDATE vs MERGE, I would choose UPDATE hands down. For an upsert, I would have to test again but I have encountered problems.

    Luis C.
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  • Thank you all for your responses. I think I am going to avoid the MERGE 🙂

    Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth. --Mike Tyson

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