Blog Post

Daily Coping 31 Oct 2022


Today’s coping tip is to find a new perspective on a problem you face.

I don’t face many big problems, but I do face lots of small ones on a regular basis. One thing I’m struggling with is how to keep up with some of the changes in our products at work. They are sometimes rev’ing so fast, and a good portion of my work is non-Redgate stuff, so I’m falling behind a bit.

It’s easy to complain and try to work harder, but those aren’t good solutions. Instead, someone suggested to me that I break down the changes into groups of time, rather than thinking of them as a stream. Don’t try to keep up every week or even every month.

Instead, look at all the changes in a couple months for one product. Spend a few times in a week reading and practicing. Then take another thing the next week (or two) and repeat. I’ll always be a bit behind, but that’s not a bad perspective to talk. I will try this for a bit.

I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQL Server Central newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

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