Blog Post

Daily Coping 1 Nov 2022


Today’s coping tip is to be kind to yourself. Remember progress takes time.

I’ve spent most of this year trying to better manage my weight and become healthier. I started the year at around 243 pounds, which for a 6’ person is a lot. I felt quite fat.

I worked through the first part of the year and managed to get down to 215-218. Then a trip to London had me pop up to 222, but I managed to get below 220 again. Throughout the summer and into Q3, I had a lot of travel. I got as high as 230 (likely a lot of water weight), but struggled to get below 220 again.

I’ve had a bit more time lately at home, and I’m better at watching my diet. As I’ve struggled between trips, I have learned to be patient, accept the failings of my travel diet, as well as continue to work to be better.

Hopefully I’ll be below 220 when I head to the Summit in a few weeks.

I started to add a daily coping tip to the SQL Server Central newsletter and to the Community Circle, which is helping me deal with the issues in the world. I’m adding my responses for each day here. All my coping tips are under this tag.

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