Blog Post

The Three A’s: Auditing


Authentication and Authorization, the first two of the three A’s of security, control who gets access to what. However, at some point we’ll need to do who is accessing that what and when it happened. That brings us to the third A: Auditing.

Auditing isn’t strictly required on all systems. Going back to our example from yesterday of the almost 21 year-old, the doorman at the club likely isn’t keeping track of the names of who entered and who was rejected. There is no auditing. In that case, it’s not important. What is important is controlling who gets into the club. In a lot of cases, it may be in the club’s best interest to not know who went in.

But within information technology, auditing is a big deal. It becomes a bigger and bigger deal as we want to know about when data is being viewed and when it’s being changed. SQL Server has received better and better auditing options as we’ve received newer versions. However, the very least bit of auditing that most folks recommend is to audit failed logins. You can set this up in the SQL Server properties like so:

This setting is read at start-up, so SQL Server will need to be restarted anything we make a change here. Once it’s on, whether we’re just auditing failed logins or we’re capturing both successful and failed logins, we’ll see entries in the SQL Server error log and the OS’ Application Event Log.

As I said, this is the minimal level. SQL Server gives us a bunch more. However, for the purposes of detailing the three A’s of security, this is all that needs to be said for now.


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