Blog Post

A New Word: Mottleheaded


mottleheaded – adj. feeling uneasy when socializing with odd combinations of friend and family, or friends and colleagues, or colleagues and family – mixing a medley of ingredients that don’t typically go together, which risks either watering down your identity into gray much or accidentally triggering some sort of explosion.

Mixing groups of people from different situations has sometimes been a struggle for me. I’ve felt quite mottleheaded at times when I have people I work with in coaching, at Redgate, and from friends/neighbors/family. It seems that they can be very different people.

I’m sure I’m overthinking this, but I’ve rarely invited different groups of people to the same place, precisely because I do worry that someone might not enjoy the time with those others. I know I’ve felt awkward at times at horse-related things for my wife. I don’t mind and am happy to support her, even if it’s strange for me.

From the Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

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