Technical Article

Server User Access


This script runs from the master database and records all the databases on the server. It then checks each database for users and records their name and the database(s) on which they have access. You can then create a nice cross tab report using any report designer (I used crystal) showing users on the databases on which they have access.

CREATE PROCEDURE usp_get_users 
	declare @db_name sysname
	declare @db_filename nvarchar(128)
	declare @SQL nvarchar(600)
	-- Create temporary table to 
	-- store database information
	create table 
					db_user		varchar(30),		
					dbase_name 	sysname NOT NULL,
declare c1 cursor for
	SELECT name, filename FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases ORDER BY name

open c1
fetch next from c1 into @db_name, @db_filename

while @@fetch_status >= 0
		SELECT @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #shawndatabsesusers
				SELECT name, ''' +  @db_name + ''' FROM ' + @db_name + '..sysusers where islogin = 1'	
		-- execut @SQL to insert row for each database
		 execute (@SQL)
		fetch next from c1 into @db_name, @db_filename
deallocate c1

SELECT * FROM #shawndatabsesusers


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