• we had a similar problem in one of our ASP pages...our situation was a case wherein the user clicks on a button and the data from the ASP page is inserted into the table...this might(??) be the same case here...

    a)The "submit" button was defined as a "submit" button...what that wierd statement means is that it was something like

    <INPUT Type = "submit" Value = "Save Data" Name = "Save" onClick = "return ValidateSave();">

    b)we also had a <FORM Method="Post" Action = "SaveData.asp"> in the asp page

    c)And then -- The "submit" button had a corresponding javascript validation code which would validate the data entry page and then submit the form to the next page where the insertion is made...something like

    function ValidateSave()


    // all validations here

    document.frm.action = "SaveData.asp";



    as a result when the button was clicked it called the SaveData.asp page twice(once by virtue of the Javascript and then again by virtue of the INPUT Type = "submit")and the data was being inserted twice...we had a lot of fun debugging this one and it is now in our official "best bugs" list... 🙂