Home Forums Programming General An automatic incremental number for sub-division RE: An automatic incremental number for sub-division

  • Hi mgutzait,

    The way I see it - you need to have a increment value that starts from 1 for each division value...

    When the table is created just give the default value for increment as 0(zero)...

    And then in the Insert trigger for the table try out the following :

    Declare @Cur Int

    -- current division value being inserted

    Declare @max-2 Int

    -- max. existing division value

    Declare @Increment Int

    -- Incrementer Value

    SET @Incrementer = 0

    SELECT @Cur = Division from Inserted

    SELECT @max-2 = Max(Division) from TableName

    IF @Cur > @max-2 -- new division entered


    SET @Incrementer = 1




    SET @Incrementer = @Incrementer + 1


    Update TableName set Increment = @Incrementer where Increment = 0

    The default value of 0 is used for the last update...as you said we don't know which value is being inserted so by giving a default value that we know will not exist in the existing data we can update that from the trigger...

    I hope all this makes sense...and I hope this addresses the problem being faced...