Technical Article



Ever have trouble removing logins because of onwership issues and permission grants? This stored procedure checks for a login (sql or nt) on the local server and if found it then checks each database for ownership issues and granted permissions. The rules for action taken are listed in the header of the stored procedure. Works for SQL 7.0 or SQL 2000 (not 6.5). Updated to better handle db ownership issues.

Use master
if exists (select * 
             from dbo.sysobjects 
            where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[sp_RemoveLogin]') 
              and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsProcedure') = 1)
   drop procedure [dbo].[sp_RemoveLogin]

Create procedure sp_RemoveLogin 
       @name sysname = null
--Name        : sp_RemoveLogin        for SQL 7.0 & 2K
--Description : Attempts to remove a login from a SQL Server whether STD or NT.
--Parameters  : @name - the login to be removed, ie.e, <login> or 
--                      <domain>\<login>
--Comments    : Removing login from a SQL server can be a tedious, manual 
--              process checking for database access in each database, object 
--              ownership in each database, granted permissions (the login is 
--              the grantor), jobs & packages owned by the login. This procedure 
--              automates the process as much as possible. The following rules 
--              are applied when issues are encountered:
--              1) If the login owns databases (as will occur when a restore 
--                 is done manually) the ownership is changed to sa. 
--              2) If the login is a user in a particlar db and owns objects, 
--                 then the proc attempts to reassign ownership to dbo. If an 
--                 object by the same name is already owned by dbo a message is 
--                 displayed and manual intervention is required.
--              3) If this login as a user in a db has granted permissions then 
--                 those permissions are removed.
--              4) Once object ownership is taken care and grants are dropped 
--                 then the user can be removed from the db.
--              5) If the user is aliased it is dropped.
--              6) This process continues for each db. Once all dbs are 
--                 processed if there were any objects that could not be handle  
--                 without manual intervention a message is displayed to that 
--                 effect.
--              7) If the login owns jobs or packages in msdb those are changed 
--                 to sa.
--              8) Any open connections the login has are killed and finally the 
--                 login is removed from the SQL Server.
--              9) If a session could not be killed a message is displayed to that
--                 effect.
--Date        : 07/02/2001
--Author      : Clinton Herring
--History     : 07/10/2002 Added code to change the db owner to sa if the 
--                         login owns databases.

-- Create a temp holding tables
If (Select object_id('tempdb.dbo.#Parm')) > 0
   Exec ('Drop table #Parm')
Create table #Parm(value int null)

-- Declare variables    
Declare @sid varbinary(85),
        @dbname sysname,
        @cmd varchar(4096),
        @spid int

-- Check for master db
If db_name() <> 'master'
      Print 'This stored procedure must be run from the master database.'

-- Check for a null parameter 
IF @name is null
      Print 'This stored procedure requires a valid login as a parameter.'

-- Check for logins not allowed to be dropped using this procedure
IF @name in ('BUILTIN\Administrators', 'distributor_admin', 'sa', 'repl_publisher', 'repl_subscriber')
      Print 'You may not drop the following logins using this stored procedure:'
      Print '   BUILTIN\Administrators, distributor_admin, sa, repl_publisher, repl_subscriber'

-- Check to see if the login exists.
If exists (select * from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = @name)

      -- Display a message
      Print 'Attempting to find and drop ''' + @name + ''' from each database...'

      -- retrieve the sid of the login
      Set @sid = suser_sid(@name)

      -- Check for database ownership
      -- Here dynamic sql is required to use the 'Use command'.
      If exists(select * from sysdatabases where sid = @sid)
            Select @dbname = min(name) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name <> 'master' and sid = @sid
            While @dbname is not null and exists(select * from sysdatabases where sid = @sid)
                  Select @cmd = 'use ' + @dbname + ' exec sp_changedbowner ''sa'''
                  Exec (@cmd)
                  Select @dbname = min(name) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name <> 'master' and sid = @sid

      -- If the login exists begin checking each database for this login as a users in 
      -- that database.
      Select @dbname = min(name) from master.dbo.sysdatabases

      -- Loop through each database.
      While @dbname is not null
            -- Here dynamic sql is required to use the 'Use command'.
            -- This loop checks for db and msdb ownership issues & granted permissions.
            -- Build a command. 
            Select @cmd  = 'use ' + @dbname + ' declare @uid int, @cmd varchar(512), @name sysname ' +
                           'If exists (select * from sysusers where sid = suser_sid(''' + @name + ''') and isaliased = 0) ' +
                           'Begin Print ''   Processing db ' + @dbname + '...'' Select @uid = uid, @name = name from ' +
                           'sysusers where sid = suser_sid(''' + @name + ''') If exists (select * from sysobjects ' +
                           'where uid = 1 and name in (select name from sysobjects where uid = @uid)) ' +
                           'Begin Print ''   The following objects are owned by the user in database ' + @dbname + '.'' ' +
                           'Print ''   Objects with the same name owned by dbo already exist. Please decide '' ' +
                           'Print ''   what to do with these objects before attempting to drop this user.'' Print '''' ' +
                           'Select convert(varchar(50), name) ''name'', type from sysobjects where uid = @uid ' + 
                           'Insert into #parm values(1) End ' +
                           'Else Begin Exec sp_configure ''allow updates'', 1 Reconfigure with override ' +
                           'waitfor delay ''00:00:01'' select @cmd = ''update sysobjects set uid = 1 where uid = '' ' +
                           '+ convert(varchar(5),@uid) + ' +
                           ''' Delete from syspermissions where grantor = '' + convert(varchar(5),@uid) ' +
                           'Print ''   Fixing object ownership issues in '' + db_name() + ''...'' Exec (@cmd) ' +
                           'Exec sp_configure ''allow updates'', 0 Reconfigure with override ' +
                           'Exec sp_revokedbaccess @name End Print '''' End ' +
                           'If exists(select * from sysusers where sid = suser_sid(''' + @name + ''') and isaliased = 1) ' +
                           'Begin Exec sp_dropalias ''' + @name + ''' Print '''' End'                      
            -- Execute the command
            Exec (@cmd)

            -- If the database is msdb then fix any job or package onwership issues.
            If @dbname = 'msdb' and
               (exists(select * from msdb.dbo.sysjobs where owner_sid = @sid) or
                exists(select * from msdb.dbo.sysdtspackages where owner_sid = @sid))
                  Select @cmd = 'use msdb declare @cmd varchar(512) ' +
                                'Exec sp_configure ''allow updates'', 1 Reconfigure with override ' +
                                'waitfor delay ''00:00:01'' select @cmd = ' +
                                '''update sysdtspackages set owner = ''''sa'''', owner_sid = ' +
                                '0x01 where owner_sid = suser_sid(''''' + @name + ''''') ' +
                                'update sysjobs set owner_sid = 0x01 where owner_sid = suser_sid(''''' + @name+ ''''')'' ' +
                                'Print ''   Fixing job &/or package ownership issues in msdb.'' ' +
                                'Exec (@cmd) Exec sp_configure ''allow updates'', 0 Reconfigure with override '
                  Exec (@cmd)

            Select @dbname = min(name) from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name > @dbname
      -- Did we have any issues that could not be resolved?
      If exists(select * from #parm where value = 1)
         Print 'Cannot drop the login at this time.'
            Truncate table #parm

            -- Check for any connection by this login and attempt to kill them.
            If exists (Select * from master.dbo.sysprocesses where loginame = @name and sid <> 0x01 and sid is not null)
                  Insert into #parm Select spid from master.dbo.sysprocesses where loginame = @name and sid <> 0x01 and sid is not null
                  Select @spid = min(value) from #parm
                  While @spid is not null
                        Select @cmd = 'Kill ' + convert(varchar(5),@spid)
                        Exec (@cmd)
                        Select @spid = min(value) from #parm where value > @spid

            -- Not all kill commands succeed; check again
            If exists (Select * from master.dbo.sysprocesses where loginame = @name and sid <> 0x01 and sid is not null)
                  Print 'Could not kill all active sessions for this login.'
                  Print 'Cannot drop the login at this time.'
                  If charindex('\', @name) > 0
                     Exec sp_revokelogin @name
                     Exec sp_droplogin @name

      Print 'The login ''' + @name + ''' does not exist on SQL Server ''' + @@servername + '''.'



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