• You might try something like this. This is how to return variables to calling program from dynamic SQL.

    set nocount on

    create table foobar (id int, theid int)

    insert into foobar values(1,1)

    insert into foobar values(1,2)

    insert into foobar values(1,2)

    insert into foobar values(1,3)

    insert into foobar values(1,3)

    insert into foobar values(1,3)


    create PROCEDURE myprocedure

    @out_var1 varchar(5) OUTPUT,

    @out_var2 varchar(5) OUTPUT,

    @out_var3 varchar(5) OUTPUT



    declare @foo1 nvarchar(1000)

    select @foo1 = 'select @out_var1=count(id) from foobar where theId = ''1'''

    print @foo1

    execute sp_executesql @foo1,N'@out_var1 varchar(5) output',@out_var1 output

    declare @foo2 nvarchar(1000)

    select @foo2 = 'select @out_var2=count(id) from foobar where theId = ''2'''

    print @foo2

    execute sp_executesql @foo2,N'@out_var2 varchar(5) output',@out_var2 output

    declare @foo3 nvarchar(1000)

    select @foo3 = 'select @out_var3=count(id) from foobar where theId = ''3'''

    print @foo3

    execute sp_executesql @foo3,N'@out_var3 varchar(5) output',@out_var3 output




    declare @foo1 varchar(1000)

    declare @foo2 varchar(1000)

    declare @foo3 varchar(1000)

    set @foo1='Nothing returned'

    set @foo2='Nothing returned'

    set @foo3='Nothing returned'

    exec myprocedure @foo1 output,@foo2 output,@foo3 output

    print @foo1

    print @foo2

    print @foo3

    drop proc myprocedure

    drop table foobar

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at http://www.geocities.com/sqlserverexamples

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP