• If you don't mind having an intermediate help table (temporary or otherwise) you could use something like this - FillList may even prove usefull.


    Create Table ItemBin (

    Item varchar(80),

    BinId varchar(10),

    PutawayPriority int,

    QtyMax numeric(19,2),

    QtyOnHand numeric(19,2)


    Set NoCount On

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN1', 1, 100, 50)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN2', 2, 100, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN3', 3, 200, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN4', 4, 100, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN5', 5, 100, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN6', 6, 150, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A1', 'BIN7', 7, 250, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A2', 'BIN1', 1, 100, 50)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A2', 'BIN2', 2, 100, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A2', 'BIN3', 3, 200, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A3', 'BIN4', 1, 100, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A3', 'BIN5', 2, 100, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A3', 'BIN6', 3, 150, 0)

    Insert Into ItemBin Values ('A3', 'BIN7', 4, 250, 0)

    -- Drop Table ItemBin



    @QtyToPutAway numeric(19,2),

    @ThisItem varchar(80)


    @QtyToPutAway = 276,

    @ThisItem = 'A1'

    -- drop table #FillList

    select b.Item,b.BinId,b.QtyMax,min(b.QtyOnHand)QtyOnHand,

    -- fill up these bins

    sign(1-sign(sum(a.QtyMax-a.QtyOnHand)- @QtyToPutAway))*(b.QtyMax-b.QtyOnHand)+

    -- and put the rest in here

    (b.QtyMax-(sum(a.QtyMax-a.QtyOnHand)- @QtyToPutAway))*

    (sign(1+sign(b.QtyMax-(sum(a.QtyMax-a.QtyOnHand)- @QtyToPutAway)))-

    sign(1-sign(sum(a.QtyMax-a.QtyOnHand)- @QtyToPutAway)))QtyToFill

    --into #FillList

    from ItemBin a, ItemBin b


    b.Item = @ThisItem and

    a.Item = b.Item and

    b.PutawayPriority+1 > a.PutawayPriority

    group by b.Item, b.PutawayPriority,b.BinId,b.QtyMax,b.QtyOnHand

    --select * from #FillList


    update ItemBin

    set QtyOnHand = a.QtyOnHand+QtyToFill

    from ItemBin a, #FillList b

    where a.Item = b.Item

    and a.BinId = b.BinId


    regards clive