Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 T-SQL Selecting different records from a same column RE: Selecting different records from a same column

  • mworku

    Here You have!

    When a first brought some script, I "translated" into English the statements -- but now I did prefer to keep it AS IT IS really!

    So, please give a look of the 03 scripts (the first, "page1", doesn't matter, it's just the presentation page): in .txt:

    - http://www.contratosonline.com.br/biblioteca/indseconomicos/calcatualizacao1.txt

    - http://www.contratosonline.com.br/biblioteca/indseconomicos/calcatualizacao2.txt

    - http://www.contratosonline.com.br/biblioteca/indseconomicos/calcatualizacao3.txt

    And also -- the structure of the table "indecontb": in EXCEL (all of the SQL DB and tables of the whole program are not yet in the site, because my poor provider doesn't support SQL any more..., so I'm looking for a GOOD provider, not change just for changing's sake...):

    - http://www.contratosonline.com.br/biblioteca/indseconomicos/indecontb.xls.

    The query, is the proper "page2".

    Thank You very much, indeed, and again!
