Home Forums Programming General Problem with data types from linked server RE: Problem with data types from linked server

  • First let me say this. I HATE USER DATATYPES!

    OK, now that I got that off my chest. 🙂 User datatypes are a nice easy way to model databases. Especially if you are working in something like Er/Win or Embarcadero. But in my opinion they are more trouble than they are worth in the actual database.

    The problem you are seeing is that if Server 1 has the user defined datatype MyUserDefTypeX defined as int and Server 2 has it defined as Float how would SQL Server know what to use in the view if it didn't go down to the base definition? Another issue that I have seen is that if you use a user defined datatype on a server with Latin1_General_Bin as the default sort order your user defined datatype becomes case sensitive. Thus causing many more headaches.

    Gary Johnson


    Sr. DB Engineer

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

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