Home Forums Programming General Storing an Excel Sheet in an SQL field. RE: Storing an Excel Sheet in an SQL field.

  • Hi Henry,


    So if you BLOBS are spreadsheets that change every week put them in the database. If the BLOBS are scaned documents don't bother.


    If you have static BLOB documents & Objects (for example scaned documents) don't bother putting them in the database.

    my BLOB's are mainly PDF files (all stored in one single db, that stores nothing else) that once they are in the db never change. I receive a lot of research from investment banks. To make my life easier I store this in a db, grant access to whoever of senior management is interested in, have some asp pages to access and that's it.

    I thought someone came up with arguments about losing performance, a db isn't supposed to do things the filesystem can handle more efficiently....and arguments like that.

    Glad to see noone mentioned that!



    Frank Kalis
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