• You can do some cool things directly in tSQL using "WAITFOR" with "DELAY" or "TIME".

    Example below...

    use Northwind--for this example

    IF Object_ID('tempdb..##NewCategories') is not null drop table ##NewCategories

    Create Table ##NewCategories (CategoryID int, CreatedDate datetime)--This is the table being updated by the loop below


    declare @iIDmin int,

    @iIDmax int--variable to hold max ID in Table

    Select @iIDmin = (Select top 1 CategoryID from Categories (nolock) order by CategoryID desc)


    Now we're ready to go!


    While 1=1--Forever....


    WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:30'--Wait one minute

    IF @iIDmin <> (Select top 1 CategoryID from Categories (nolock) order by CategoryID desc)


    Select @iIDmax = (Select top 1 CategoryID from Categories (nolock) order by CategoryID desc)

    Insert ##NewCategories--Insert all new rows

    Select CategoryID, getdate()

    From Categories

    Where CategoryID between @iIDMin + 1 and @iIDmax

    select @iIDmin = @iIDmax--reset min value



    Signature is NULL