Home Forums SQL Server 7,2000 Replication The merge process could not initialize the Pub... RE: The merge process could not initialize the Pub...

  • Hi,



    it seems that the client does not have the rights to read from the snapshot-folder.

    During the setup of the publisher you have to choose the initial snapshotfolder (Default setting is something like this \\ServerName\d$\Program Files\MSSQL\DATA\ReplData). SQL-Server always uses this system link to d$ to which a 'normal' user has no rights to connecting to. So the publisher can not initialize the snapshot.

    So make sure that you put a share directly on the repldata-folder. Something like this: \\ServerName\ReplData$.

    Make sure, that the user which is used for running the SQL-ServerAgent and the MSSQL-Server, and the client users have full rights on that share and on the files in that folder and subfolders.

    Now it should work.

    I hope this helps.



    Thanks for you suggestions though I had focused on these configuration requirements at the beginning because without these replication would have not been started.

    I'm almost about to reach to the reason for the problem that seems to me bit different than what we're thinking.

    It is leading me towards where there really are orphan processes but these processes became orphan because somehow they lost the contact with their creators/parents, perhaps due to long network failure. I'm still on narrowing it down.


