• It sounds to me like you are trying to clone a server. I think the quickest, easiest way to migrate the whole server is to do the following: This is assuming that the new server has all the same drive letters/paths as the old one.

    Stop the SQL Server Service on both machines.

    Copy all of the databases files and transaction log files to the new server. Make sure all of your paths are correct and that you get all of the system database files also.

    Restart the SQL Server service on machine # 2.

    In query Analyzer, run the following script to reset SQL Server to the new server name:

    sp_dropserver 'OldServerName'


    sp_addserver 'NewServerName','local'


    Restart SQL Server to make change active.

    Run the following to verify the name is changed: SELECT @@servername

    All the accounts will be in the new server along with all of the databases, DTS Packages and scheduled tasks.

    More info on renaming servers: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;317241