Home Forums Programming General Joining surrogate table entries into single field RE: Joining surrogate table entries into single field

  • This is a really interesting question!

    Here's how to do it without the cursor, but it still uses 1 temp table (will need 2 if Table 2 doesn't have an identity column). Script's to create test data at the bottom. These loops are super cheap...checking 1=1 is 50% of the costs!


    Declare @iID int,

    @iSeq int

    declare @Table1 Table (Seq int Primary Key, Location varchar(500))

    Select @iSeq = 0,

    @iID = 0

    Insert @Table1 (Seq)

    Select Seq

    From #Table1

    select * from @Table1

    While 1=1


    Select top 1 @iSeq = Seq

    From @Table1

    Where Seq > @iSeq

    order by Seq

    IF @@Rowcount = 0 Break

    While 1=1


    Select top 1 @iID = [ID]

    From #Table2

    Where Seq = @iSeq and [ID] > @iID

    order by [ID]

    IF @@Rowcount = 0 Break

    Update @Table1

    Set Location = isnull((t1.Location + ','), '') + t2.Location

    From #Table2 t2

    JOIN @Table1 t1 on t2.Seq = t1.Seq

    Where t2.[ID] = @iID



    Select * from @Table1 Where Location is not null


    --To Create Test Data

    If object_id('tempdb..#Table1') is null Create Table #Table1 (Seq int)

    Insert #Table1 Values (1234)

    Insert #Table1 Values (1235)

    Insert #Table1 Values (1236)

    If object_id('tempdb..#Table2') is null Create Table #Table2 ([ID] int identity, Seq int, Location varchar(25), [order] int)

    Insert #Table2 Values (1234, 'Gothenburg', 2)

    Insert #Table2 Values (1234, 'Rotterdam', 1)

    Insert #Table2 Values (1234, 'Tallinn', 3)

    Insert #Table2 Values (1235, 'Liverpool', 1)

    Insert #Table2 Values (1235, 'Malaga', 2)


    Signature is NULL