• 1. Error Message is "Failed (7/17/2003) 4:35:58 AM)". In View History:

    The job failed. The Job was invoked by User 323S\SQLADM. The last step to run was step 1 (Import DB2 EMP_DATA).

    Note, step 1 is the ONLY step. "Import DB2 EMP_DATA" is the name of the DTS package.

    2. SQLAgent is using Win2K AD Domain Admin Account with local Admin rights "SQLADM".

    3. Nothing special. Simple ETL from IBM DB2 to SQL Server. The complex ETL with scripts and external program calls works perfectly while these few simple ETL DTS Package just fails.

    The hard part is troubleshooting these packages. Enterprise Manager has a terrible management area in troubleshooting this. The "Fail" message doesn't exactly help me figure out what it's complaining about.

    All objects are owned by "dbo". It's our standard.