• quote:

    I am trying to figure out how to export the results of a query to Excel with some specific formatting. Is this possible to do without using DTS?

    One method could be

    -- Inputs:File name of the excel document.
    -- Returns:The query result, written directly in Excel document!
    DECLARE @err_desc varchar(255)
    DECLARE @i int
    DECLARE @xls_cell varchar(100)
    DECLARE @OProp varchar(100)
    DECLARE @O_XLS int
    DECLARE @ret_val int
    DECLARE @xls int
    DECLARE @file varchar(255)

    SET @i=0
    EXEC @ret_val = sp_OACreate 'Excel.Application', @O_XLS OUTPUT, 4
    IF @ret_val <> 0 or @@Error <> 0 GOTO com_handler
    EXEC @ret_val = sp_OAMethod @O_XLS, 'Workbooks.Open', @xls OUTPUT,'C:\SUCCESS.xls'
    -- in case you are creating new Excel file change the upper row with the following
    --EXEC @ret_val = sp_OAMethod @O_XLS, 'Workbooks.Add', @xls OUTPUT
    IF @ret_val <> 0 or @@Error <> 0 GOTO com_handler
    SET @file = 'C:\SUCCESS.xls'
    DECLARE authors_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT au_lname FROM authors
    order by au_lname asc
    OPEN authors_cursor
    -- Perform the first fetch.
    FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor
    -- Check @@FETCH_STATUS to see if there are any more rows to fetch.

    -- This is executed as long as the previous fetch succeeds.
    set @i=@i+1
    set @OProp='Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1).Cells(' + cast(@i as varchar(2)) + ', 1).value'
    -- genaration of correct property addressing
    EXEC @ret_val = sp_OASetProperty @O_XLS, @OProp, @xls_cell
    -- set the value of the property
    FETCH NEXT FROM authors_cursor into @xls_cell
    --IF @ret_val <> 0 or @@Error <> 0 GOTO com_handler
    CLOSE authors_cursor
    DEALLOCATE authors_cursor
    ------------------------------êðàé íà ðàáîòàòà ñ êóðñîðà
    EXEC @ret_val = sp_OAMethod @O_XLS, 'Application.ActiveWorkbook.Save',Null
    -- in case you are creating new Excel file change the upper row with the following
    --EXEC @ret_val = sp_OAMethod @O_XLS,'Application.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs',Null, 'c:\success.xls'
    IF @ret_val <> 0 or @@Error <> 0 GOTO com_handler
    EXEC @ret_val = sp_OAMethod @O_XLS, 'Quit'
    -- I've commented the following line deliberately. SEE NOTE AT THE END
    --EXEC sp_OADestroy @O_XLS
    GOTO Done
    CLOSE authors_cursor
    DEALLOCATE authors_cursor
    EXEC sp_oageterrorinfo @O_XLS, @ret_val out, @err_desc out
    -- the last parameter gives small textual description of the error. It was very usefull!!
    select @ret_val, @err_desc
    EXEC @ret_val = sp_OAMethod @O_XLS, 'Quit'
    EXEC sp_OADestroy @O_XLS
    GOTO Done
    -- I've commented the last line deliberately: It was causing the whole automation process in SQL to stop
    -- so no futher automation instances could be created until the server was restarted. I read in MSDN that the instance
    -- should be destroyed right after the SQL batch is completed, that is why I consider the last row not neccessary. BUT
    -- you should check it yourself
    --EXEC sp_OAStop



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
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